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Seth P.O.V

I sat in front of my finance book in the library with Bryan next to me doing his work as well. I was fucked this time, and had to work my ass off in this class. Sadly the "D" I got in this class kept escaping my mind as I though about yesterday, with Constance. I wasn't sure if I was feeling was just sex or if I really had a hardcore crush on her.

"Look man." Bryan said tapping me and I looked up to see Kerri and Constance walking into the room.

I looked at Constance and like a magnet she looked at me but I just looked down at my work again.

"Bryan bro, I hate to be the one that say this shit but come on man, you have a fucking F in class." I said and he laughed.

"I don't care, I already have three teams trying to draft me for the next season. Next year this school shit isn't going to matter, I'll be playing with either Green Bay, New England or The Browns. Right now I need to make sure my soon to be wife is there with me, you saw how much she liked that kiss." He said standing.

I stood as well heading to the door because I was sick of studying and Bryan really gets under my skin now.

"Seth." Kerri yelled but I kept walking.

"Seth." Constance said and I stood in my tracks looking back at the two plus Bryan and they all waved for me to come over, and I did.

"What's up?" I said stopping in front of the three.

"Well Bryan came over and we all started talking going out tonight, but we need you to come as well." Kerri said as Constance sat down and pulled out her books.

"I guess I could come but why did we need a fucking meeting on this?" I asked.

"Because you need to match with Kerri." Bryan said and I let out a loud over the top laugh.

"Why?" I asked looking at her and she crossed her arms upset.

"You're an ass Seth." She said before the library guy gave us all a angry look.

Bryan grabbed my arm and walked me outside and Kerri followed behind me.

"Come on Seth, I want Constance to come but I know she's not going to willingly just go out with me. If you come with Kerri then she'll come but I just need you to come man, and I'll even pay for you a new outfit, a suit." He said and I laughed again even louder and more over the top.

"400." I said and he gave me a frown.

"Fine you annoying white boy." He said reaching into his pocket and handing me money.

"My favorite color is blue." Kerri said nibbling on her finger as she walked away.

"Take Constance with you." Bryan said and I gave him a funny look.

"Why?" I asked and he laughed.

"Because I want her to dress sexy show some skin, and I though about it all night. If she goes with a friend she's not going to pick out anything sexy, no girl wants to been seen as a slut to her friends. She's not going to go with me, and if she did she's going to pick out something respectful. If she goes with you, you can kind of pick out the outfit for her and since she's not going to say much you buy it, and Kerri will make her wear it. You have to do it, you're the only guy on this plant I can trust with a girl I really like and be alone with her." He said making me feel guilty.

"Alright I'll do it." I replied and he smiled as I walked into the library again.

"Constance." I said walking to her, and Kerri and her looked at me.

"May I speak to you outside?" I asked her and she stood walking with me till we made it out and Bryan had already gone.

"Can I take you shopping?" I asked her and she smiled.

"Hey I'm not paying." She said walking into the building and grabbing her stuff and walking with me to my car.

"So what stupid did Bryan put you up to?" She asked me as we both got into the car.

"They want me to buy you new clothes so you can be half naked." I said starting the car and I turned my head to look at her.

I opened my mouth to talk but her lips covered my mouth and her hand wrapped into my hair tightly. I didn't fight her and I don't care about who saw me as I pulled her closer to me. She bite my tongue softly and used her free hand to give my dick a hard squeeze.

"Did you have fun last night?" She asked me.

"Yes, my Mistress." I replied and the way she shivered made me want to please her more.

"Well tonight will be just as fun." She said pulling from me and putting on her seat belt.

I took off and headed to where ever you find a fucking suit around here. I looked at Constance who was looking at her phone, and it made me think.

"Have you ever done this with anyone else?" I asked her.

"Yes, my high school boyfriend but it didn't work out for a few reasons but mostly because its not for everyone. Its something that some men don't get and will never understand that's why." She said.

"Well yeah I get it, but its fine as long as it says in the bed I don't care." I said and she looked at me.

"Well I'm never going to be anyone's slave in or outside of my bedroom, but it was more someone else found out and it went bad. I doesn't even matter, as long as we keep this the way it is we will be fine" She said and I laughed at her.

"Is it bad that I have a crush on you then?" I asked her and she looked out the window.

"Yes, because I like you enough that I would hate to see your heartbreak." She said and that one sentence kind of bugged me.

I wanted Constance to like me, and I mean if she was going to be with anyone it was going to be with me. I know she thinks this is nothing but Bryan is right about one thing, she doesn't give anyone a chance. I know what I agreed too, I said I would do this and not catch feels but I'm doing just that now. I had to do this little by little, because she didn't want a relationship and since its almost impossible to get information from her I didn't know why. I have a good idea where to start.

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