3. Invitation

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Mark's concert ended with a huge encore, despite the news about his vandalism the fans were supporting him fully, the two week break in the tour began so Jae was happy. He heard Mark is planning to go back to work on new songs in the studio. Jae was packed and ready to go when Taeyong came storming to him with the plane tickets.

"We're going to Japan," he said in an excited tone.

"Why?" asked Jae.

"We're invited to Yuta's mask ball in Osaka," said Taeyong jumping up. "This will be fun."

"Fun with Yuta?" Jae felt his excitement is dying out abruptly.

He actually hoped to forget the world in Taeyong's beautiful flat, the one they had been sharing for the past four years. Two weeks of rest, his lover only, small trips to the nearest grocery or for a walk along the river, no hurrying, schedules, going to bed after midnight to wake up at 3 a.m., no trouble with Mark, no paparazzi or fans or anyone who would disturb them. Taeyong had planned his tour that way he also had two weeks off so they could spend the time together, they had so less time together lately both busy with their careers.

"Jae don't make such a disappointed face it's just one night," said Taeyong.

"Ok, but I'm so done flying," Jae sighed.

"You're absolutely cute when you're mad at me," Taeyong grinned. "We will have fun, find a nice dress up, dance, then sneak out to be all alone," Taeyong laid his hand on Jae's face brushing their noses together.

Jae smiled.

"Ok, only fof you," Jae licked Taeyong's lips pulling him closer by his waist.

"Babe we will miss the plane," Taeyong blushed.

"Good that I can make out with you in the caf," Jae kissed Taeyong more before he let go to take his suitcase. "Do you have a costume in mind?" he asked.

"Not yet but Yuta has a whole supply in his father's house, I've been there once long years ago when he had been dating Lauren."

At the last name Jae felt a cold shiver, he remembered Lauren was in London all alone, far from everyone and her boyfriend Taeil who was refusing to see her for six months now.

"Do you think Taeil stopped to love Laufen?" asked Jae when Taeyong scanned the room again then noticed a small peace of dirt on the floor so he picked it up.

"No they just need a break, maybe they're figure it out, sometimes love is complicated," Taeyong smiled wider. "I wouldn't give in Taeren so easily they've beed though so much nearly as much as us yet they're still together."

"You'fe fight," Jae felt a little better. "So let's huffy," he muttered leaving the room.

Their plane landed smoothly but it took two hours to drive through the city centre to Yuta's villa, his father was the owner of Pick&Win the biggest spot betting company in Asia, so Yuta was the rich spoiled son who had spent all his young years bulling Jae and his best friends, they had the misfortune to be in the same school as him since kindergarten till university, but school time was over, Jae had passed his master degree exam three moths ago, now all his thoughts were concentrated on the future, his new album, Mark's world tour, the auditions for a new rookie superstar for SJ Music, Sicheng and Jae's record company.

Yes and of course on Taeyong, mostly on Taeyong, the endless possibilities of being happy together. Jae glanced at his boyfriend who was sleeping on the backseat with his head on his lap.

"I love you," whispered Jae caressing Taeyong's blue hair strings.

He looked out of the window do discover the taxi had stopped in front of a huge house with front pillars on the massive stairs.

"Taeyong we'fe hefe," whispered Jae.

"Ahmmm..." Taeyong nodded in his sleep so Jae needed to shake his shoulder a little to wake him up.

Taeyong yawned loud but followed Jae outside the taxi to the hose while a butler ran out to take care of their luggage.

They were inside when Jae's phone vibrated in his pocket.

Please don't let it be about Mark, he begged checking it.

'The twins are on the way' said the text from Ten.

Jae stopped watching it stunned.

"Jae! Taeyong!" they heard an excited voice what cause Jae to look up.

Sicheng was hurrying their way smiling so lovely.

"So happy Jae Taeyong here," Sicheng hugged them both.

"How are you?" asked Taeyong while Sicheng's smile faded.

"Ok," he whispered.

"Jae is everything ok?" asked Taeyong glancing at the boy who wasn't movings still holding his phone.

"Ten wfote the twins afe coming today," said Jae.

"Wow, really!" Sicheng became excited.

"Wow, that's big news," Taeyong smiled wide.

"Why afe you both so happy?" asked Jae still stunned.

"Imagine our cute family will bigger be, we're uncles," Sicheng jumped up.

"Ten lost his mind," said Jae grumpily. "Good we don't need to woffy about that."

He saw how Taeyong's smile faded.

"Sure," muttered Taeyong looking away from him.

"Afe you also happy to be an uncle?" asked Jae.

He really couldn't believe Ten, the adventurous energetic Ten decided to settle down, buy a nice hose in Thailand, marry Rachel and now they were expecting twins.

Mark's comments from a few nights ago became so vivd and suddenly Jae realized Mark was absolutely right about them, they were becoming old, old and boring.

"I hope one day Sicheng and Yuta will adopt a little cutie," said Sicheng still smiling.

"Guys don't make me go back to the aifpoft and join Mafk," said Jae.

"Guys don't make me go back to the aifpoft and join Mafk," said Jae

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Much <3

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