74. Artists' family

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The video turned out great but Jae was very afraid of the fans reactions. Still at the day of the video premier Taeyong announced he will finish his world tour probably to give the fans something more positive than him and Jae making out in front of the camera.

Jae had spent two days writing a long letter to his fans were he explained all his reasons for the video he hoped it will be enough when he posted it on his official page.

There was an award show the next evening and he as worried to hear the questions an comments, but Taeyong was sure it won't be that bad.

He said the fans had grown up with them they were aware of them being a couple from the beginning they saw them being close for seven years so it won't be anything new. The day as rolling way to slowly, Renjun was drawing Moomins sitting on the floor when Taeyong finally came in from his meeting with his main producer David Jacksonville.

"And?" asked Jae.

"Daddy Tae!" Renjun jumped up running to Taeyong who smiled lifting him up.

"You're becoming too heavy my baby," he said when Renjun was cuddling to him.

"Do you want to see my drawing?" asked Renjun.

"Of course I want, my sweet artist," Taeyong carried Renjun to his drawing spot then put him down he knelt on the floor looking over the pad while Renjun was explaining the drawings to him.

"Amazing," said Taeyong caressing Renjun's hair lovingly.

Jae's worries were so far away for a moment when he was watching Taeyong with their son, both way too pretty and sweet to be real.

"This is for you daddy Tae," said Renjun giving on of the drawings to Taeyong.

"Wow, for me, I'm so happy thank you my baby," he took the picture then turned to Renjun giving him a huge peck for it.

"I love you," said Renjun kissing his lips back.

"I love you too," Taeyong pushed him one the floor gently blowing air in the crack of his neck causing Renjun to squeak and giggle.

Jae shook heir head, these too were never tried to act weird, big children.

"If you'fe done being silly can you tell me how the feactions afe?" asked Jae grumpily.

"Hey my Jae needs some love, let's go and give him love," said Taeyong letting go of Renjun.

Both ran to him pushing his over on the carpet while was begging for help being tickled and kissed from all sides.

"Enough! Enough!" he bagged barely catching his breath crying from laughter while Renjun was jumping up tying to tickle him more and Taeyong leaned above his face watching him with a very meaningful expression.

"Stop!" begged Jae.

"Sorry," Taeyong lowered his head cuddling into Jae's chest for a moment then sitting up inhaling sharply. "You always make me feel that way."

"More! More!" Renjun grabbed Taeyong's arm pulling it.

"Relax baby, you have a drawing to finish me and Jae need to talk," said Taeyong.

"Oh," Renjun's smile faded.

"Don't your want to show us your beautiful drawing finished?" asked Taeyong.

"Oh, ok," Renjun smiled again, he ran to his spot one the floor taking the pink crayon quickly. "Dalli we need to hurry," he said to the sheep that was sitting on the floor with a crayon in between her feet.

"So?" Jae was still lying down observing Taeyong who leaned to him pressing his hands on Jae's belly under his sweater causing something burning on his skin.

"Some people are very shocked there's a group that is saying we're perverted and crazy but it's not a big group, our true fans are supporting us, most of the comments are saying it's good it's Taeyong and not someone else, or that I'm sweet to play in your video and risk so much for you, I'm the amazing boyfriend now," Taeyong grinned proudly.

"You afe the amazing boyffiend," whispered Jae.

Taeyong grinned wider he laid down melting in he's lips their slow kisses becoming so deep.

"Daddy Tae!" said Renjun.

"Later," Taeyong raised his hand while he returned to Jae's lips.

"But daddy Tae!" protested Renjun.

"You know our Jae needs love so let me give him some," Taeyong winked to Jae when he pulled his lower lip in his teeth then whispered. "Let's call Sicheng to stay over tonight to babysit Junie," when Jae's body exploded with fireworks.

 "Let's call Sicheng to stay over tonight to babysit Junie," when Jae's body exploded with fireworks

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Thank you for all the support, it's sad the story is slowly ending, but I hope you enjoy reading it.

What do you think about the reactions to Jaeyong's video and their family time?

Much <3

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