78. Frog and fox

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"Junie please not that! No.... this can bfeak!... Please!" Jae was tearing things out of Renjun's hands.

Yes it was a little fight, a lot of begging, yes they left the shop two hours later carrying four bags that were overpacked Renjun singing the Moomin theme song all the time.

"Juine stay hefe! Now! Listen you must walk next to me when I'm not holding youf hand we'fe on the stfeet, you can be hit by a caf. Listen!" Jae needed to shout and make his tone sharper till Renjun finally kept his side while they were walking to the nearest taxi stand.

Ok right now Jae really felt like a stressed mom.

They placed the bags on the backset there was barely place for Jae's legs in there Renjun was trying to unpack it all while Jae was wrapping it all up again the whole ride, yes he was very happy when the glass door of the penthouse appeared in front of him.

"Wait fof me!" shouted Jae when he was paying the driver but Renjun took two bags storming the building, Jae hoped the elder security downstairs will stop him.

"Your kid is very lively Mr. Jae," said the man when Renjun was jumping up and down next to the elevator door when Jae entered.

"I know," said Jae who was groaning carrying the bigger bags.

The elevator opened and he needed to hurry to reach it before the door closed when Renjun pressed the sixth floor.

"Why afe you so bad behaved today?" asked Jae.

"Jae I love you," whispered Renjun hugging his leg.

Jae was so frustrated but the lift opened on their floor and Renjun ran to their apartment opening it storming inside.

Jae reached the living room a few minutes later seeing all the items they have bought lying on the carpet while Renjun was showing them to Taeyong.

"Jae what happened?" asked Taeyong eying him up.

"And Moomin crayons daddy watch!" Renjun was taking all the things out one by one.

"Ah!" Jae sighed when Taeyong jumped up to help him to carry the two bags to the carpet where Renjun took them throwing everything out eagerly.

"Junie you know you have to clean it all up later?" asked Taeyong.

"Yes daddy Tae," Renjun stopped throwing the things out, he started to take them out carefully placing one next to the other.

"That's better," Taeyong smiled.

"How?" asked Jae.

"Oh Jae I'd never thought you'll come up with the idea to go the Moomin shop with him alone," said Taeyong. "Was it bad? Has he demolished the whole shop?"

"I stopped him ffom it," whispered Jae miserably.

"Daddy Tae there was a shop with everything Moomin they had Moomin cups, and puzzles and pillows and crayons and everything. Can we buy the whole shop next time?" asked Renjun jumping up from the floor.

"I don't think Dalli will be happy to have all this Moomins in bed there won't be any place for her left," said Taeyong.

"Oh, you're right," Renjun lowered his head.

"How afe you doing it?" asked Jae stunned.

"Think like a kid," Taeyong grinned.

"And here is the big Moomin I can cuddle," Renjun took the biggest plush Moomin they had bought out of the bag hugging it.

"Junie have you been acting nice to Jae today?" asked Taeyong seriously when the boy became very tense.

"No... but I was so excited because there was everything everything with Moomin," said Renjun. "You know I love Jae, Jae is the best."

"Apologize to Jae," said Taeyong causing Jae's stomach to twist.

"Jae I'm sorry please please don't be mad," Renjun jumped up looking at him.

"It's ok next time please listen to me," Jae ruffled his hair when Renjun cuddled to his leg again.

"But Jae didn't want me to call him mommy Jae," said Renjun turning to Taeyong causing Jae to blush.

"He didn't, looks like we need more time to work on it," Taeyong winked.

"That's not...fff," Jae blew his cheeks up.

"Jae give the present you bought to daddy Tae," said Renjun raising his voice excitedly. "Look its's here."

He ran to the last still unpacked bag searching through it taking the small key ring with a Moomin holding a red plush heart out then holding it up to Jae who bushed harder.

"So, yes it's fof you," Jae looted at Taeyong who was watching him in the same naughty way as always.

"Thank you my little Moomin. Doesn't he look like Moomin himself Renjun?" asked Taeyong walking to Jae pulling him to himself by his waist.

"Yes! Yes!" Renjun jumped to them trying to climb up their legs so Taeyong took him up on his arms.

"So that's fof you," Jae put the key ring in Taeyong's free hand.

"Thank you," Taeyong blushed. "You two are so lovely," he whispered pulling Jae closer to him till their noses collided Jae feeling butterflies.

"Kiss him daddy Tae!" said Renjun clapping his hands.

"And how I will," whispered Taeyong while Jae's head blurred when Taeyong's hot lips laid on his melting into them completely while Dalli's song one of Taeyong's hidden tracks began to play in his head...

'When a kitten says meow meow I have my story to tell

When a dog barks wow wow I sing for my best friend.

We're like frog and fox no eagle can threaten us

We're like daddy Tae and mommy Jae this one biggest love.'


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