49. Delusional

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"I don't know but him and the boy who has been here, they aren't in a good relationship, they were so awkward around each other."

"What do you mean?" asked Jae stunned Taeil and Mark were friends composing each other so good, writing songs together spending days in a studio recording. He has never seen them arguing.

"To be honest I think they argued about a girl," said Mark's grandfather causing Jae's jaw to drop.

"What gifl, b-but Taeil has a g-giflffiend," he said.

"Yes I suppose maybe it's abut her. When the other boy told Mark he's going to London to ask her to marry him Mark went completely insane, he was shouting swearing demolishing the living room and the kitchen, he ran out found a fist big stone then broke the kitchen window, after that he just ran off while the other boy packed his things in five minutes then took his suitcase and walked towards the airport. I have no idea if he had reached the airport or London. I just know the girl is some dancer and lives there."

"What!" Jae was listening to the man unable o believe what he was just hearing. Taeil wanted to marry Lauren Mark was into her? What a mess, he would never ever imagine that Mark's secret crush is Lauren, never. "Wow" it was all Jae could say.

He was in such a shock Mark's grandmother needed to nudge his arm to bring him back tor here and now and notice the steaming tea cup she had brought. Jae couldn't believe it it wasn't making any sense at all, Mark hasn't seen Lauren for over a yer now as the last time she visited their city was last summer when she had a small vocation so she came to spend some time with Taeil.

And Taeil left to propose. Why haven't he said a thing? Was he struggling with himself for six long months to finally ask Lauren to be his wife. But why hasn't he uttered a single word to him or Doyoung they had been best friends since kindergarten, Jae has told them nearly everything about his life, he has been honest about so many embarrassing or difficult things, why couldn't Taeil...

"I'll go to talk with Mafk," said Jae raising from the armchair.

"I'll show you his room," Mark's grandmother led him to a room downstairs that was at the back of the house behind the kitchen. Jae knocked but an extremely sad song was the only answer so he pushed the door opening it, he walked into the room cautiously seeing a small bed with a colorful blanket on the duvet, Mark was lying still his face angry while he was staring into a wall blankly.

"Hi Mafk," said Jae causing Mark to concentrate on him.

"Leave," said Mark his tone unpleasant.

"I just came half of the wofld fof you wouldn't a nicef welcome be mofe fitting?" asked Jae.

"Leave," muttered Mark.

"I'm not going to, youf fans afe waiting fof you, they need you, they love you some tfavelled miles   like me just fof you," Jae walked to the bed sitting on it causing Mark to shiver.

"Bullshit no one wants me," he said.

"So who's the guy with the sold out wofld touf bfinging 20,000 scfeaming gifls into a stadium each night?" asked Jae.

"I don't know," Mark hugged the pillow tighter.

"I'm soffy I couldn't be hefe but my felationship with Taeyong would have fallen apaft if didn't fight fof it and it's too impoftant fof me to lose," said Jae.

"Yes I've heard you adopted some stupid kid," said Mark blankly.

"Mafk I'm not allowing you to talk about my Junie like that," said Jae sharply.

"Do you think I'm the only one calling your kid stupid, imagine what Yuta is calling it."

"I don't want to imagine, sefiously," Jae inhaled sharply. "Do you feally think that letting youf angef out on me of my family will make you feel bettef?" asked Jae.

"No, nothing will make me feel better," said Mark in the same lifeless way.

"So what will make you feel better?"

"Hah, you're all so delusional!" hissed Mark.

Jae felt like slapped he remembered all too painfully how he had said this word to describe Taeyong's wish to have children, now he was ashamed of it. Now that Renjun was in their life he wouldn't want it any other way.

"Why afe we delusional?" asked Jae.

"Because you are pitiful, stupid and delusional," Mark bit the edge of the pillow his eyes filled with tears.

"Are you talking about youfself?" asked Jae his heartbeat raising.

"Yes," Mark spat it out. "I'm pitiful and naive and so stupid, delusional."

"Why?" Jae risked to lay his hand on the boy's arm causing Mark to tremble more so he took it off quickly.

Mark answered with total silence.

"You love someone fight, someone who doesn't love you back?" said Jae.

Mark shivered cuddling the colorful blanket.

"I hate love," he said.

"Thefe afe diffefent loves in a pefson's life," muttered Jae.

"Pfff," was all that came from Mark's side.

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What do you think about Jae's conversation with Mark, will he find out Mark's reasons?

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