48. Storm

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It was 7:40 a.m., the taxi was waiting as the security guard downstairs had called. Jae was standing in the living room with his suitcase unable to express anything he felt while Renjun was cuddling to him crying loud.

"I'll be back soon," whispered Jae.

"Jae!" Renjun's cries were heartbreaking but Jae knew he needed to rescue his company and Mark's career it was important for his future.

"You'll be fine with Taeyong," said Jae. "We will talk thfough the phone do video calls ok," he nodded to Taeyong who came to take Renjun from his arms.

"Come back soon," said Taeyong pressing his warm lips to Jae's causing him to hyperventilate.

"Dalli will miss you," whispered Renjun cuddling to the sheep.

"I know," Jae felt he's going to break out in tears any second so he grabbed the suitcase with the backpack while hugging them giving a kiss to Renjun's forehead and Taeyong's lips then he turned around leaving slamming the door shut to make it quick as everything in him was begging him to turn around and stay.

But he had to get used to being apart from the two.

He took the elevator reached the taxi sending a text to Doyoung that he's setting off he was thinking about Renjun's cried out face and Taeyong's saddens filled eyes all the way to the airport.

It was morning Vancouver time when the plane landed smoothly, because of the time zone change the day seemed endless, the air was cold the wind chilly, an atmosphere right before a storm or heavy rain showers. Jae sent a text to Taeyong the moment the plane started to roll along the runway towards the gate. The miserable weather mixed with his mood.

'Happy you landed safety love you,' wrote Taeyong back so Jae smiled to his phone screen.

'I love you too, both of you,' he sent back.

When had it became so natural to contain these two loves in his world?

He grabbed his luggage, reached a taxi gave Mark's grandparents' address he had received from Mark's mum to the man. He really hoped Mark was back, it was the second day of him missing.

A lot of rumors were circling around the Internet as the fans were worried. Yes the last he needed was Kun getting behind the real reason of Mark's cancelled concert.

They had asked the organizer to postpone the concert for two days so if the concert won't happen tomorrow there will be legal actions and their company will be obligated to pay back lot what meant huge money losses for them, he tied not to think about it all, leave it to Doyong and his analytic brain.

The first rain come when the taxi stopped in front of the house a heavy wind hit Jae the moment he left the warm car, but he paid the driver grabbed his suitcase then made his way through the small stone path across the lawn into the house. It was one of these typical houses in the suburbs with a navy blue roof over grey walls. It looked like each other building in this neighborhood, so Jae knew he could easily get lost here. The tow cypresses in front of the yard were bending under the sudden wind while Jae was shivering from clod when he was knocking to a door with a small window in it.

Soon an older lady with grey hair flying out of a bun opened.

"Hi I'm Jaehyun Mafk's managef," Jae bowed down low.

"Ah, come in," she opened the door closing it quickly as the cold wind was storming inside. "You can call me granny," she said. "My daughter said you'll come, you must be a great man if you're making this long way for our Mark."

She caused Jae to blush hard.

"Is he hefe?" asked Jae.

"Yes, he came back this morning, I was so glad to see him on the doormat it were very tiring two days," she said when Jae breathed in again.

Taeyong was right Mark needed his time.

"How is he?" asked Jae.

"Lying down in his room, refusing to eat or drink, listening to one song on replay," she lowered her head. "But come in warm yourself up you must be very tired."

"Thank you," Jae left the shoes in the hall while she gave him warm slippers.

He followed her to a cosy living room with a cracking fireplace where a man was playing cards with himself at an oak table.

"Hell I'm Jaehyun, Mafk's managef," said Jae bowing down.

"Oh hello, nice to finally meet you you have given our grandson a brighter future, we appreciate that," the man got up, he had similar cheeks to Mark, a similar type of smile. He shook Jae's hand firmly then offered him a place in the armchair Jae took hesitantly.

"I can help," he said looking at Mark's grandma.

"Sit and relax do you want a warm tea it's freezing today," she said.

"Thank you but don't bothef," he said.

"Just relax," she hurried to the other parts of the house so Jae sank in the armchair happy to be in a warm room with a crackling fire.

He took his phone out sending texts to Taeyong Sicheng and Doyoung telling them Mark is at his grandparents.

"What happen sif, do you know why Mafk had fun away?" asked Jae turning to the grandfather who shook his head miserably.

"What happen sif, do you know why Mafk had fun away?" asked Jae turning to the grandfather who shook his head miserably

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