30. New friend

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"Good morning sir," said the boy so Jae nodded.

He looked towards Renjun who's eyes lit up.

"Jae?" he asked.

"Hi I came to see how you afe," said Jae taking a chair for himself then sitting next to Renjun's bed.

"Better?" said the boy.

"Hefe that's fof you," Jae placed the sheep on the duvet causing Renjun's eyes to glitter even more.

"Oh how cute," he said pulling the sheep to him cuddling into it he smiled wider his snaggletooth showing.

"What happened?" asked Jae.

"I was afraid you will take me away and my parents will never find me and suddenly I felt so terrible," said Renjun turning his head from Jae.

"Fenjun I don't want you to be sad because of me. If you don't want I'll leave," said Jae.

Renjun looked at him with very scared big eyes.

"It's youf choice if you want to live in my family," said Jae seriously.

Renjun's tiny body trembled he squeezed the sheep tighter.

"You know I still have my pafents but it's like if I didn't," said Jae so suddenly. "My mom is a teffible pefson she thfew me out of the house I gfew up in when I was bafely 18 just because she found out I'm dating Taeyong, and my fathef did nothing to stop hef," Jae lowered his head. "Pafents afe not ideal, they've just people, they'fe making a lot of mistakes."

He felt a little hand tangling on his palm so he rubbed his thumb over it.

He looked up to see Renjun's burning eyes still watching him with curiosity and fear and hope, but it was some different type of hope one that made his heart burst out with love.

"The tfuth is I want you to be in my family, because I feally like you but it's up to you."

"Can Dalli come too?" asked Renjun.

"Who is Dalli?" asked Jae.

"Dalli my new friend," Renjun cuddled to the sheep.

"Coufse thefe's place fof Dalli," Jae stretched his hand our caressing over Renjun's hair.

But in this moment he heard a loud sniff behind him. He turned to see Taeyong who as standing in the middle of the room crying huge tears rolling down his face.

"Taeyong," whispered Jae stunned but Taeyong muttered sorry then ran out.

"Why is your boyfriend crying when he saw me?" asked Renjun scared.

"No he's just, just emotional," Jae tried his best to not to burst out into tears himself.

He took Renjun's little hand caressing it while the boy was smiling to him cuddling to Dalli.

Some long moments later the door opened again and Taeyong came in he had dried his face but it was still red.

"Sorry for that, hi Renjun I'm Taeyong," he said stopping next to them his hand laid on Jae's hair while he caressed it lovingly.

"So you can speak r?" asked the boy.

"Yes," Taeyong was still pale but Jae grinned.

"So what do you think?" asked Jae looking at Taeyong who seemed to be short from breaking out into tears again.

"Now I understand," he muttered.

Jae squeezed his hand feeling something filling his chest with so much love.

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