5. Red dress

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Jae boiled over clenching his fists but Taeyong nudged his side.

"I wouldn't recognize Sicheng, really what it that?" said Taeyong laughing to Jae who looked back o the girl realizing the red lipstick on the huge lips, the long back hair pinned up in a geisha like hairstyle, it all was hiding a so known face. Jae's jaw dropped because he was pretty sure it wasn't Sicheng who came up with the idea to transform him into one of the prettiest females Jae has ever seen.

"Every straight man here will turn gay for Sicheng now," said Taeyong giggling.

Yes Sicheng's beauty was stunning and Yuta's stylist brought it out in a perfect way giving Sicheng that costume.

"Don't worry last time I was here Yuta was the girl, while Lauren was his slut friend, they had a lot of fun with the crossdressing," Taeyong grinned.

"Sufe," Jae was looking at Sicheng seeing how the boy was walking with his head low very carefully to not to fall off the stairs in this long dress, his skinny palm was trembling on Yuta's arm, his eyes were so sad he could bust out in tears any second.

But he allowed Yuta to pull him to down the stairs into the middle of the dance floor with everyone watching, yes Yuta was enjoying being the centre of attention. He was completely ignoring Sicheng's saddens when he was touching him meaningfully gliding his hands over the fake breasts, biting Sicheng's earlobe or kissing him deeply ruining the red lipstick.

The DJ gave a heavy beat and the crowd began to jump up and dance, Taeyong pulled Jae to him by his waist.

"Next year I might become your girlfriend," Taeyong raised his brows his cheeky smile wide.

But Jae was worried about Sicheng, he knew Sicheng was very sensitive, very easy to hurt.

"Hey don't worry they will have fun once they will close the bedroom door behind them," assured Taeyong. "Actually we should find a quiet room now, stick to our plan."

Jae shook his head Taeyong was never tired of pleasure, but in this moment his phone vibrated again, he took it out reading the the text.

'The twins are delivered they're so pretty!' Ten had spammed his message board with emojis and first pictures.

Jae looked up to find Doyoung leaning over his phone too, the boy looked his way, their eyes met. Through the floor Sicheng was leaning above Yuta's phone screen talking to him excitedly.

Minju was even more sour when she looked at Doyoung who shook his head, he was as worried as Jae it's Ten's worst idea ever.

"Are the twins born?" asked Taeyong grabbing Jae's phone. "Oh look how cute they are!"

"Sufe," Jae became miserable.

He saw how his boyfriend was smiling to his massage board all exited so he left the dance floor.

They all met in a quieter corner Doyoung was coughing fixing his glasses.

"Jae, they here!" Sicheng ran to them nearly slipping against the dress.

"Some ugly babies really," Yuta rolled his eyes. "As ugly as their father," he laughed.

Sicheng looked at him mad but Yuta ignored.

"We should call Ten and congratulate," said Taeyong.

"Congfatulate?" asked Jae stunned.

"For the first time in my life I'm agreeing with you Jae, we should send our condolence," Yuta laughed again.

"I had told him he will regret it," said Doyoung miserably.

"You can call I'll wait fof you thefe," Jae pointed at a couch leaving his phone for Taeyong then walking to sit down, a moment later he was joined by Yuta and Doyoung.

"I should buy some anti-aging mask," whispered Yuta his face suddenly pale.

"I thought an anti jerk mask would be good," muttered Doyoung.

"Shut up Bunny," Yuta clenched his teeth. "We're getting old shit! Ten is our age and now he's a father isn't it scary," asked Yuta saying what Jae was afraid to even think of.

He had known Ten since high school the boy had been their friend after Jae's first argument with Taeyong, Ten was in their crew for so many years now, it felt like losing him.

"And this idiots are calling him," Yuta looked at Taeyong, Minju and Sicheng who were talking to the phone all very excited.

"At lest we're in a safe situation we can't have kids," said Doyoung. "But Taeil should really watch what he's doing."

"Stop!" Jae raised his voice.

"You're still a virgin Bunny?" Yuta glanced at Doyoung. "You're something, I bet you're asexual."

"I'm not," Doyoung became red.

"So how do you manage to keep you thirst on a leash for so many years, she's as hot as my Sicheng," Yuta looked at his boyfriend. "Besides girls..."

"I'm just in total control over my emotions," said Doyoung proudly but Jae looked at Yuta paying attention to his words.

"What afe gifls?" he asked.

"Different," Yuta glanced at the floor he became sad. "When they're kissing you, when they're giving their body away... never mind," Yuta jumped up he walked to the other group then laid his arm around Sicheng pulling him into a kiss.

Jae trembled, was Yuta really not over Lauren it's been four years. But Lauren has been his first love his first serious relationship. Jae suddenly remembered a conversation between Taeyong and Yuta he had overheard years ago, when Yuta was opening up about his struggles of choosing between Lauren and Sicheng - "I want them both" - he had said back then, did he still want them both.

 Jae suddenly remembered a conversation between Taeyong and Yuta he had overheard years ago, when Yuta was opening up about his struggles of choosing between Lauren and Sicheng - "I want them both" - he had said back then, did he still want them both

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Thank you for your love 💕

What do you think about Sicheng's cross dressing? What about the reactions on Ten's twins being born?

Also 텐데 is out, it's so beautiful, let's listening to it again and again😍

Much <3

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