34. Harbor

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"Hi Jae, I'm with the lawyers we're preparing a document for the court it looks lake we have a chance because Renjun was beaten in the orphanage. There's a huge affair, the police arrested the head and the workers, the children are transported to other facilities. The curator she's a horrible woman she came to me to tell me we'll never win this case and she'll do anything so we won't get Renjun. It's such a mess, I'll take a two hours nap on couch in the lawyer's office now, I hope you're fine. Jae, I'm sorry I'm talking all the time.

"No I... I needed to heaf youf voice. I miss you," whispered Jae.

"How is he, how was your day?"

"Actually despite all the affaifs it was nice, vefy nice. He's sleeping now. We had pizza all diffefent toppings as he had nevef had pizza befofe, and I bought clothes and things he needs fof him. He's so lovely, so cute, he helped me to clean up the foom tonight, you would be pfoud," Jae was feeling all warm inside while talking.

"It sounds so great I wish I could meet him for real I didn't have the chance so far," said Taeyong. "I'll be back as soon as possible will keep you updated, take a good rest ok."

"You too," said Jae feeling how his voice crackled.

"Little Jae I love you," whispered Taeyong to the phone causing Jae to bite his lips to not to cry.

"I love you so so much," he whispered.

"Night my Jae," Taeyong turned the call off and Jae was standing in the apartment for long minutes until he was ready to lay on the couch and sleep.

Someone shouted or was it in his dream. Jae jumped up sitting on the couch rubbing his face looking around to see Renjun, his face red and cried out his little hands trembling on the sheep.

"Junie what's up?" asked Jae.

"Jae, Jae you're here!" Renjun was inhaling sharply like during a panic attack.

"Whefe should I be?" asked Jae rubbing his senses back.

"I was so afraid you had left me," Renjun sobbed louder.

"No I told you I'll sleep in the next foom," said Jae calmly. "Come hefe."

He glanced at his phone noticing it was around 4 a.m. still a lot of time to get a proper rest.

Renjun nodded he walked to the couch sitting on it.

"Come we can cuddle," said Jae lifting the duvet so Renjun laid down lying his head on his arm pulling Dalli to his chest. "I'm hefe don't woffy," said Jae kissing the top of the boy's head.

Although he shouldn't some people could misunderstand especially as him and Taeyong were gay, some bad people out there who wanted to take Renjun away from them.

But he wanted Renjun to feel safe to feel the word had different sides not only horror and fear, not only your beloved ones disappearing. He knew once the legal stuff is cleared they will need to find a great therapist for Renjun to help him with all he's been through from the loss of his parents the orphanage, the physical violence from the workers. Jae laid his hand on Renjun's arm caressing over the dark birthmark on his right palm. He really hoped there was a way to help the boy to deal with his nightmares. He knew him and Taeyong could give him all their love he hoped it will be enough.

"Jae, I'm sorry," whispered Renjun.

"It's ok, I undefstand," whispered Jae. "Now sleep ok, you and Dalli afe with me safe ffom all nightmafes."

Renjun nodded squeezing Jae's finger in his tiny fist, while Jae wished Taeyong would be here to place his loving arms around them both.

The next day flew by with short messages from Taeyong. Jae and Renjun stayed in the hotel as Jae was so done with the paparazzi that were constantly around the building. So him and Renjun watched funny movies, played games, ate delicious breakfast dinner and supper, yes it was a good day. It was around 10 p.m. when the door opened Renjun was in his pajamas not ready to sleep yet drawing a Moomin on a beach vocation and Dalli with sunglasses.

Jae looked up to see Taeyong in the door, all his insides responding with relief longing and butterflies.

"Hi," said Taeyong causing Renjun to sit up straight he was watching him with fear.

"It's Taeyong my boyffiend," said Jae jumping from the floor running to Taeyong to kiss him.

He had no idea how o say hi so he kissed his boyfriend's cheek he wasn't sure if it's a good idea to kiss him in font of Renjun although he really wished to.

"Junie met my Taeyong," said Jae pulling Taeyong to the boy who became very tense watching them with the same big eyes.

"Hi Renjun, nice to meet you," Taeyong sat on the floor across the coffee table in some distance to Renjun. "I'm Taeyong," he said. "I may look scary but inside I'm like a little puppy trust me," Taeyong laughed at his own comment.

"Junie say hi," whispered Jae who was becoming frustrated seeing the boy's scared face.

"He needs his time to get used to me," said Taeyong.

Jae didn't know what to do he also had no idea what place to take, so he sat in the middle between Taeyong and Renjun on the floor.

Renjun was squeezing his crayon very hard his other hand clinging to Dalli.

"Junie what's up talk to us," said Jae.

"Will you take Jae away from me?" asked Renjun looking straight at Taeyong who shook his head.

"No, but I hope you won't take Jae away from me I love him too, he's so love-able right?" Taeyong chuckled.

Renjun opened his mouth shocked.

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