25. Endless love

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Jae felt cold sweat on his neck and back his heart was hammering.

Have Yuta and Lauren cheated on Sicheng and Taeil again? Was their longing for each other really so strong.

"Jae it's not like you think. I was so sad Taeil didn't come, I felt so lonely the biggest day in my life and I was so alone no one came, not my father not Taeil, not even you, I know you had no time I'm not blaming you, and then when I left the hall Yuta was there waiting in front of the building. He was... like some light that came, I... we were walking in the drizzle talking about life the old times. I haven't touched him, not even hugged him or anything. He had left to the airport after just two hours but it was it was so important someone was there someone made this long way to see my dancing. It should have beed Taeil... But please don't tell Taeil or Sicheng."

Jae lowered his head.

"I won't don't woffy," he said.

She was right, its should have been Taeil, but it was Yuta, Yuta who has never stopped loving Lauren not for a single day, no matter how much he was fooling himself into being with Sicheng, its was Yuta the man so in love he was ready to fly half of the world to see his ex girlfriend dance.

The next morning their ride continued. They've been visiting one orphanage after another but it seemed impossible to find someone Taeyong would like. Jae was happy when there were only tow facilities on the list left.

Lauren was calling each day to talk she definitely felt lonely, she needed a friend and Jae had someone he could tell his struggles to, as Taeyong's state was worsening so Jae didn't want to bother him, instead he told Taeyong it will be ok, gave him comfort and strength cuddled and kissed him a lot. Taeyong started to sleep in a pajama next to him he said he's skin condition  is bad and he didn't want to make Jae uncomfortable even if Jae kissed all over him showing him he wouldn't ever feel uncomfortable around him no matter what.

But they ware in a deep crisis still something was keeping them together Jae felt it a strong bond between them fastening each time he and Taeyong looked into each other's eyes. Because if he could stand it all, never even considering to leave Taeyong's side wasn't it endless love.

The day when they stopped in the bigger city the ocean was rough the sky was cloudy. Taeyong was in a better mood, he even joked during breakfast. He said it might be today so Jae squeezed his hand. Right now he would be able to sign some stupid adoption papers to make his lover happy, although he doubted it could make Taeyong feel better.

They set off from the resort than drove straight to the modern facility where they were questioned then let in to see the children. Jae stopped in a big room where the kids were playing while Taeyong walked to talk to some. A lot of hopeful eyes turned towards them causing Jae too feel like running. He hated this type of gaze.

He found a chair in the corner and waited like each time watching Taeyong who was speaking to the children until he began to play with a girl about seven years old. She was showing him her dolls causing Taeyong smile wide, yes Jae hasn't seen this smile for weeks now. He trembled, he had zero sympathy towards the girl but Taeyong was absolutely amazed. He winked to Jae waved to him giving him signs to come.

Jae groaned getting up he moved towards them were Taeyong was dressing up a barbie doll into a princess dress.

"Jae look at Yeon isn't she lovely?" asked Taeyong his eyes so filled with glitter.

"Taeyong let's go," said Jae his stomach wasn't there his insides weren't there.

Maybe it was about time to tell Taeyong he has never approve the search he was here just to make him feel better but actually to persuade him they don't need anyone more in their life.

"Hi uncle," said the girl showing Jae all her teeth in a smile. "Uncle has a nice watch," she added causing Jae to hide his watch under his leather jacket's sleeve.

"Yes uncle Jae is sweet isn't he," said Taeyong looking at Jae with so much admiration Jae glanced away. "Come play with us."

"I need some ffesh aif," siad Jae turning around.

He left the room as he couldn't breath in it so suddenly, he found a chair in a the corner next to the head's office there he tried to relax but he has was trembling madly, soon Taeyong came to him.

"Jae she's, she's nice, a lovely little girl, what do you think?" Taeyong stopped opposite to him.

"Taeyong," begged Jae.

"Are, are you trying to tell me we made all this long way for nothing!" Taeyong raised his voice.

"Taeyong thefe's one mofe," said Jae.

"Shit you don't want it! You were lying to me all this time to make me feel better!" hissed Taeyong.

"No... Taeyong no!" begged Jae.

"After seven years of being together you still think you need to lie to me to make me happy!" Taeyong was shouting.

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Thank you for your support, I hope you still enjoy the story even if there were only a few comments under the previous chapter.

So what do you think about about Yuta coming to see Lauren's performance? What about Taeyong struggling so hard and Jaeyong's argument? Will they adopt the girl, should they?

Much <3

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