10. Sleepless

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"I know man," Mark became sad. "I did it with someone I liked once but I was very young and stupid."

Jae knew Mark was referring to his first time when he was barely fifteen with a girl called Bianca he had dated for one summer.

"Was she feally so impoftant it was five yeafs ago," asked Jae.

"Ah man, she was my first crush, my first kiss, first time, I guess I was overwhelmed by all of it, became too involved emotionally, then school year started, we were living so far away it couldn't work, even with my parents supporting me inviting her for the rest of the summer it wasn't enough, she told me it's better to quit it. Shit it hurt, I has never ever bend that hurt again till now," Mark lowered his head. "Do you have a second bottle I'm becoming too sober," he glanced at his empty wine glass.

"Have you met someone you like?" asked Jae.

"No it's just sometimes you're realizing you've been wrong all your life and it's so weird," Mark got up, he seemed a little weird when he stumbled to the cupboard with alcohol, he found another bottle of red wine then returned to the spot on the couch.

"Maybe it's enough fof today?' asked Jae.

"No we can get a little drunk talk some shit, it's nice sometimes," Mark opened the bottle then filled their glass up again. "You'll sleep like a baby," he muttered causing Jae to laugh.

"We'fe meeting my pefsonal tfainef tomoffow mofning," said Jae.

"We'll be sober until no worries," Mark winked.

Jae laid down on the pillows observing the ceiling when he was sipping the wine slowly.

Mark emptied another glass then filled it up again. He gave out a long sigh.

His album scrolled back to the first song but the music was getting to Jae from really far away. Jae closed his eyes imagining Taeyong's body and kisses all over him on this comfortable couch, nearly experiencing it physically, Taeyong's taste became alive on his tongue.

He has probably been a little drunk because he caught himself caressing the invisible Taeyong his hands moving in the air.

'Baby, I can't tell you I want you

I need to tell you I love you

my forbidden phantasy...' sang Mark to Taeil's vocal on the record. 'Oh, body like an hourglass,' rapped Mark falling on the couch not far from Jae who was still making love to Taeyong's image in his mind.

Waking up was really painful, Jae had drunk a lot of water but he was slightly hangover after last night, still Mark forced him to be ready at nine when they met Jonatan, Jae's personal trainer in the private gym in the house.

They spent two hours sweating like crazy but Jae was happy with the result when he and Mark were measuring their arm muscles in front of the mirror laughing like crazy.

"Gonna hit the clubs with me tonight?" asked Mark.

"It's no fun without Taeyong," said Jae grabbing his towel walking to the shower cabin.

"We can just dance, don't need to be naughty," Mark grinned. "Than we'll get drunk again."

"Mafk youf touf stfts tomoffow," said Jae opening the running water.

"I know man but haven't I ever not delivered on stage?" asked the boy.

"No," Jae grinned.

"You see," Mark raised his brows when he stopped in the doorframe.

Jae shook his head.

"Mafk give me some pfivacy."

"As if I haven't seen a naked man, besides you want to get the skin-ship on the video, everyone will be watching then."

Jae became very red at the thought yes he was so lost in his phantasy he never considered it was stripping in front of actual people.

"So I'll catch what series are on right now," Mark finally left the bathroom when Jae stepped under the running stream.

He really hoped he's not wilding again it was so easy to be adventurous next to the playful Mark.

The club was packed, the music loud, Mark was bouncing to the beat with a drink while Jae hit the dance floor, he was dancing with himself imagining Taeyong's body with him again, he was doing it way too often lately. Two girls had approached them asking for their numbers but both refused, Mark was glancing at the stage next to the DJ eagerly, soon he moved this way while Jae felt his insides twisting, he hoped Mark won't do anything stupid again, but he saw him jumping up the stage grabbing a microphone on the way.

"Yo yo Mark Lee here!" he rapped causing a lot of screams from the younger girls.

"It's Mark Lee man, Mark Lee man," he rapped free styling to the beat.

Some security were hurrying his way while the crowd was getting in their way girls trying to touch Mark's shoes, Jae stopped observing it, the evening, his first club visit seven years ago became so vivid, back then in their city Taeyong was performing for a crowd that had bagged him to rap, why was Mark remaining him of his lover so much.

Some security were hurrying his way while the crowd was getting in their way girls trying to touch Mark's shoes, Jae stopped observing it, the evening, his first club visit seven years ago became so vivid, back then in their city Taeyong was perfo...

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What do you think about the time Jae is spending with Mark? What is troubling Mark?

Much <3

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