32. Pizza

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Ok, said Sicheng miserably his voice fading while Jae sat on the floor trying his best to relax.

He was nearly going insane from worry when the screen lit up.

'I'm in the court don't wait for me, it might take longer, just stay with Renjun and take care of him, love you so so much, Taeyong.'

Jae read the sentence five times in a row till he finally relaxed.

"Jae!" he heard a delicate voice what caused him to look up, Renjun was standing in the room rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"What's up my baby?" asked Jae pulling his hand out so Renjun tottered to him sitting next to him on the carpet cuddling to his side.

"Jae I'm really really hungry," said Renjun causing Jae to laugh.

Yes he has forgotten food completely because of all of that.

"What would you like to eat?" asked Jae caressing over the boy's hair.

"What you'll give me," Renjun rubbed his belly.

"Let's check the hotel menu," Jae moved up Renjun followed each of his steps causing him to smile to himself, he found the menu then sat on the couch pulling Renjun on his lap reading the dishes to him.

"Jae?" asked Renjun hiding behind the fluffy sheep. "Do you think they have pizza?"

"Pizza?" asked Jae.

"Yes I had never eaten pizza but I've seen pictures of it," Renjun looked at him with puppy eyes.

"You've nevef eaten pizza no kidding?" Jae laughed. "So we will go to the city buy some clothes and stuff fof you and visit a festaufant, what so you think?" Jae fished his phone out of his pocket calling the five star restaurant he has been to with Taeyong last night.

"Can you guafantee me pfivacy and a table fof two?" he asked. "Do you have pizza in the menu?"

When the man assured him they can do pizza exclusively for them and the restaurant will be empty at that hour Jae reserved the table.

"Let's go," he said looking around the room.

He found his bienie in his suitcase put it on Renjun's head causing the boy to giggle as it was slipping on his eyes again.

"You feally need youf own clothes," Jae laughed.

He took his hoodie covering Renjun with it from cold and paparazzi then took him up on his arms carrying him to the car. As expected Kun and the others were waiting in front of the hotel but the stuff helped to keep then on a distance. Jae was happy when they were in the car where he started the engine quickly driving to the restaurant.

Some paparazzi must have followed then as they were sneaking behind them to the front door of the restaurant making Jae absolutely frustrated. Ok it was big news for them, Taeyong and his boyfriend were adopting a child, the press was definitely boiling over right now. Each of the photographers was hoping to be the first one to capture the kid's face but Jae knew how to deal with them.

He saw Renjun was less scared seeing them for the third time, but soon they finally reached the warm and luxurious inside of the restaurant where a water guided them to a table with a beautiful ocean view.

"Afe you good with eating by youfself? asked Jae placing Renjun on the chair where the boy's legs were dangling from it in the air.

"Yes. I can dress up and wash myself too, I'm a big boy," said Renjun.

"Coufse you afe," Jae smiled Renjun was so cute.

"So how can I help you I've heard you want some pizza," the waiter came to them with a nice smile.

"Yes," Renjun's eyes glittered.

"What topping would you like?" asked Jae.

"I don't know," said Renjun a little scared.

"What toppings do you have?' asked Jae turning to the waiter.

"It's up to you sir, we can prepare whatever you wish for."

"How about you'll pfepafe each slice with a diffefent topping ffom classic to some ffeestyle?" asked Jae.

Renjun was nodding eagerly whispering "We will get real pizza," to Dalli.

"Sure, with pleasure sir," the waiter asked them about drinks so Jae ordered juice for Renjun and coffee for himself.

He hoped it is ok, he had to deal with it all alone but he knew Taeyong was a good negotiator, he also had great lawyers.

He concentrated on Renjun two was telling him about a Moomin book he was reading in the orphanage. He said he had learned how to read and the alphabet but wasn't very good at it.

Soon the drinks came and the waiter brought two pillows for Renjun so he could reach to the table more comfortably. Jae was keeping an eye on him so he won't slip down from them.

"Jae wow look at it!" said Renjun when two waiters came with pizza slices they placed in front of them on plates.

"Can you eat with a fofk and knife?" asked Jae looking at Renjun.

"No, can you show me?"

"Yes," Jae placed the cutlery in Renjun's little hands showing him how to cut a pizza slice.

"It's easier with chopsticks," said Renjun when he placed the first pizza bite in his mouth.

"And do you like it?" asked Jae.

Thank you so much for all the amazing support, you care about the characters so much 💚

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Thank you so much for all the amazing support, you care about the characters so much 💚

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Much <3

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