1. Under arrest

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Jae's skin dried, its was so fulfilled, he loved that feeling when he was falling asleep next to Taeyong, still having the taste of his kisses on him. He was placing small pecks along Taeyong's shoulder and neck until he stopped noticing the rush on his lover's arm, his boyfriend's skin condition had worsened lately. Taeyong has always been struggling with a few rather difficult diseases, mysophobia and atopy including.

Jae kissed over the red marks on his lover's arm causing Taeyong to pull his head up.

"Leave it ok."

"I'm tfying to cufe you with love," whispered Jae.

His tongue twisted as it were the first r-words of the evening.

"You're so sweet, but I'm handling things," Taeyong turned on his side.

"Is it wofse because of the diffefent bactefias you meet on touf?" asked Jae.

"I guess," Taeyong sighed.

He was sad, Jae could see it, feel it, so he kissed Taeyong's cheek cuddling into him.

"How's Mark's tour going?" asked Taeyong changing the subject.

"Ok, he's a little bit tfoublesome lately," Jae laughed.


"Ah, pubefty dfiven I guess, he's tufning twenty this yeaf but he's acting like thifteen lately."

Jae tried to forget his problems with his superstar tonight. He cuddled into Taeyong relaxing completely, forgetting there was an actual other world apart from this bedroom.

Taeyong smiled sweetly catching his eyes, but in this moment Jae's phone rang, he ignored, still it kept vibrating on the bedside table.

"Maybe it's important," said Taeyong his voice sleepy.

Jae sighed when he reached for the phone pressing the loudspeaker.

"Mr. Jung?" asked a man.

"Speaking," Jae tried his best to not to yawn, it was around 2 a.m.

"Officer Francisco Anagi speaking, I've herd you're the manager of Mark Lee."

"Oh no!" Jae sat up in bed rubbing his face while Taeyong was watching him with worry.

"We have Mark under arrest for vandalism," said the man.

"I'm on my way, but sif please no pfess," begged Jae.

"No what?" asked the man.

"Pfess," Jae repeated.

"Excuse me?"

"No press!" said Taeyong loudly.

"Oh, I'm afraid there are a few paparazzi in front of the station," muttered the man.

"Gfeat," Jae felt he's going to punch something.

"Volcano Jae relax," muttered Taeyong when Jae turned the call off. "Let's shower quickly then we'll go to free Mark," Taeyong sat up.

"He's feally ffustfating me lately," said Jae.

"Love, we will talk to him, maybe he has some problems," Taeyong took Jae's had rubbing over it gently.

"What would I do without you," whispered Jae.

"Come, we need to save Mark," Taeyong kissed his lips briefly then got up stumbling to the bathroom.

It was right after 3 a.m. when Taeyong stopped the car next to the police station, Jae glanced ousted to see the paparazzi hiding between cars with the cameras ready.

He looked at Taeyong who nodded briefly so both left the car walking through the heavy rain into the small building. There wasn't much going on at this late hour, an officer was giving a stolen watch back to a man, two others were snoring in the corer over opened folders.

"We came fof Mafk Lee," said Jae stopping next to the officer who was giving the man papers to sign.

The station smelled awfully of detergents and dirt. It wasn't a nice place, the greenish light made it even more depressing.

"Ah the superstar who had been caught drawing an ugly graffiti on the city memorial stone," said the man.

"He did what?" asked Taeyong.

"Which one of you is the manager?" the man look at them.

"Me," Jae raised his hand feeling awkwardly like back to school.

"I'm just his boyfriend," said Taeyong causing the officer to look at both strangely.

"So Mark will be seeing our lawyers in the next 48 hours," said the officer.

"No, he has a plane tomoffow mofning, he is on touf, he needs to be on stage in two days, the stadium in Pafis is sold out," said Jae.

"I don't care he had made a seditious deed," protested the man.

"Officef can't we pay it back? Mafk will apologize officially, won't it be enough?" asked Jae.

His phone vibrated again and he was pretty sure it was Sicheng who had somehow been informed about the whole drama. Jae didn't want to bother his business partner especially as Sicheng wasn't in a very good state lately.

"Can we please settle it down amicably," begged Jae.

The man hesitated, the guy who was taking back his stolen watch was filling his papers in very slowly watching them with interest.

"How much will it cost to get him out tonight?" asked Taeyong so suddenly Jae turned to him with his mouth open.

The officer was equally stunned, for a moment Jae feared he will arrest them too but then the man's face brightened up in a wide smile.

"I think ten thousand for letting him go and another ten to clean the memorial will be enough."

"Can we pay by card?" asked Taeyong opening his wallet.

"Nah," the officer laughed.

"Jae wait here I'll find the nearest ATM, I'll be back soon," Taeyong turned towards the door.

He run out quickly so Jae sat on a chair that reminded him of the uncomfortable seats in a downtown bus, when he was watched by the officer and the guy who hasn't still finished filling in the papers.

One of the other policemen woke up, he walked to the coffee machine when Jae tried to calm down. He wished to tell Mark off, he was so upset, after a month of waiting for Taeyong he need to spend the night at the police station instead of being in Taeyong's arms in this comfortable bed in his hotel room.

 He wished to tell Mark off, he was so upset, after a month of waiting for Taeyong he need to spend the night at the police station instead of being in Taeyong's arms in this comfortable bed in his hotel room

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Thank you so much for your amazing support on the story, I'm overwhelmed.

Also a huge thank you for the incredible 200K reads on book 1 in this series, you are the best ❤️

So what do you think about the first chapter? What about Jae's problems with Mark? Will they free him from jail?

Much <3

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