27. Drawing

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Jae was looking from him to the list feeling his insides twisting more and more, he suddenly jumped up.

"What?" asked Taeyong.

"I'll go thefe and see, if thefe's no one thefe we will give it in," said Jae grabbing his ID and the car keys from the bedside table.

"Jae, you don't have to pretend for me anymore," said Taeyong.

"We had a plan let's stick to it," Jae leaned in pecking Taeyong's lips then left the room.

He was so torn why as he even doing it, was he insane? Maybe.

He reached the car park in front of the hotel the day was sunny the air fresh the seagulls were circling above the few trees between the road and the beach.

Jae realized he had forgotten how fresh mornings could be, he had forgotten the whole world too closed in a dark place of regret and pain. He jumped into the car giving the street with the address into the navigation. The city was jut waking up nearly on traffic at that early hour, it was 8 a.m. when he reached a small building that seemed poorer than all the other's they've been to.

He stopped the car talked to a security who directed him took him up to an office.

"In!" said a woman's voice when he knocked at a wooden door.

He slipped inside bowing down, the head was a woman in her fifties her face tried the grey hair tight up in a bun.

"How can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm Jung Jaehyun came hefe because of adoption," said Jae stopping in front of her desk.

"Oh you're the singer, your partner had called right, where is he?" she asked.

"He's not feeling well today so I came to the appointment," Jae was sweating a lot it was different without Taeyong who had always been the one talking.

"You know that adoption for gay couples is a difficult process especially as you aren't even married," said the woman.

"I know," Jae had heard it all a million times.

"Ok, I'll call my worker she will show you the children but Mr. Jaehyun don't keep your hopes up they are very sad children," she said.

Jae nodded he waited while she walked out of the office then came back with a younger lady.

"Mr. Jaehyun wants to see the children," she said.

"Sir, this way," the lady eyed him up causing him to feel even more uncomfortable.

What was he doing here? Why was he going through the same nightmare again, he wondered when she was leading him down a narrow corridor to a small room with bookshelves and a toy box in the corner.

It was a little after 9 a.m. the sun was falling inside, about 15 children were spread along the red facing on the floor.

Jae was actually ready to say it's it and leave when he saw a lot of eyes looking at him, the same hopeful gaze that made him so intimidated.

He scanned the room avoiding the kids' glances till his eyes fell on a boy who was sitting on the floor too deep in his drawing to even notice his arrival. The boy was bout five or six years old, very tiny and skinny with dark hair. He has forgotten the whole world concentrating on his work.

"Can I go and talk to them?" asked Jae turning to the lady.

"Sure," she smiled.

Jae hesitated his stomach wasn't there again when he crossed the room stopping above the drawing boy looking over the paper to discover a very beautiful drawing he has never expected, it was drawing of a cartoon character, wait was it called Moomin?

But weren't Moomins white? This one was in all shades of pink and violet.

"Nice dfawing," said Jae causing the boy to look up at him deeply dark clever eyes, very cautious.

"Thank you," said the boy returning to his crayon box.

"Why is the Moomin coloufful?" asked Jae sitting cross legged on the carpet across the boy.

"Because only white Moomins are boring," said the boy seriously.

"Yes you'fe fight," Jae giggled. "I'm Jae by the way."

"Renjun," said the boy causing Jae to laugh loud. "What?" the boy raised his head back on him.

"No it's just I can't pfonounce f," said Jae.

"What?" the boy was watching him interested.

"I can't pfonounce f," repeated Jae.

"So in your world I'm Fenjun?" ask the boy causing Jae to smile and nod. "That's not boring at all."

"You'fe cool," whispered Jae.

"Are you a brother of any of the children?" asked Renjun glancing around the room.

"No me and my paftnef we'fe looking fof someone who could fit in ouf family," said Jae.

"Oh," Renjun scanned his face. "But you're young."

"Yes I am young," Jae giggled.

"So I advice you to take Giyanja, she's nice and very lonely," Renjun pointed at a girl with very messy hair who was cuddling to a used teddy bear. "Or Junyang he really wants to have a new family," Renjun showed him a chubby boy with glasses who had been walking in some distance from them observing Jae all the time.

"What about you?" asked Jae.

"I'm waiting for my real parents they will come back to pick me up from here one day," Renjun smiled shyly showing a lovely snaggletooth then he grabbed the next crayon painting a tiny flower next to the Moomin who was hunting butterflies with a little net.

The glowing feeling Jae had experienced since he started to talk to the boy lit out abruptly.

Thank you so much for your amazing support, I was very excited to share this chapter with you, so what do you think?

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Thank you so much for your amazing support, I was very excited to share this chapter with you, so what do you think?

Plus a photo of baby Renjun ☺️

Plus a photo of baby Renjun ☺️

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Much <3

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