47. Dream team

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Jae was done cooking an hour later he turned the heat under the pots and pans off then walked to look for Taeyong and Renjun. He heard Renjun giggling what meant he was ok again. They were in the bathroom ware Taeyong had installed a little step for Renjun so he could reach the wash basin comfortably and wash his hands on his own. Another one had been brought up in the kitchen but Jae's hair crumbled each time he saw Renjun crawling from it up on the kitchen counter then opening the high cupboards looking for snacks or cups.

But Taeyong was believing in Renjun's flexibility and cleverness so he always told Jae to not to worry so much. Right now the two were washing Dalli the wash basin was filled with bubbles and the sheep looked like new.

"But she's wet," said Renjun taking her out of the water making a lot of puddles on the floor.

"Jae find the hair dryer," said Taeyong.

Jae shook his head he walked to the shelf then brought the biggest hairdryer giving it to his boyfriend.

"Dinnef's feady," said Jae.

"Ok so we will eat first and let Dalli to dry a little one her own then we will help her," Taeyong grinned when he walked out to come back with a tiny rope and two pins, he fixed it between the tails then him and Renjun hang Dalli up on her little ears.

Jae was laughing, they were his favorite team to observe.

He couldn't even be that much worried next to their cuteness.

Soon all three were consuming dinner eagerly when Jae's phone lit up Doyoung sent him the fight details causing a cold shiver to run down his spine, he had to say bye soon he had to say Renjun he's leaving in the morning.

They finished eating and Taeyong helped Jae to wash the dishes when Renjun was drying some of them with a rag. Once they were done they moved to the bathroom where Renjun held Dalli up when Taeyong was drying it with the hairdryer, Jae watching them leaned at the door frame admiring them both so much.

Night fell, Jae sighed loud when he closed the packed suitcase watching the bedroom. He knew it was important but he didn't want to leave. Taeyong was with Renjun reading him goodnight stories telling the boy Jae will make a trip without them.

Jae got up, he left the room walking into Renjun's bedroom quietly he stopped there observing his boys.

'... sweetie I hope for sweet dreams

yesterday's puddles tomorrow's clouds,

the starry sky, may it all watch above

your closed eyelids,

Even if it's dark the night is nice

It's our lullaby

when you're all alone it's alright

You will hear our lullaby

Our lullaby.'

Taeyong was singing quietly causing Jae to tremble.

It was definitely a new song he had made for Renjun, the boy was lying with half closed eyes, soon they closed fully Renjun's head fell on Dalli's.

"Our lullaby," whispered Taeyong kissing the birthmark on Renjun's tiny hand.

He got up walked to Jae then led him out to their bedroom.

"Afe you packed?" he asked his voice cracking.

"Yes," Jae pointed at the suitcase.

"Ok," Taeyong sniffed. "Sorry it's just so hard to let you go even if for a few days or weeks."

"You have Junie," whispered Jae.

"I know he's our sunshine," Taeyong pulled Jae in his arms cuddling in his clothes.

"The song have you made it fof him?"

"Yes I actually have an idea for an album of lullabies for Renjun," said Taeyong I started to write on the lyrics a few days ago, so far I have about two songs, one chorus I don't know what to do with right now," Taeyong fought his tears. "Do you want to see?"

"Sufe. I'd love to," Jae sat on the bed pulling the blanket over his legs while Taeyong opened a drawer in the cupboard then joined him, they cuddled immediately.

Taeyong opened his notebook flipping over a lot of filled pages.

"Oh here," he pointed at a piece of lyrics. "It's called Dalli's song," he laughed. "I decided to write it in Dalli's POV."

"Sing," said Jae.

"My singing is terrible," laughed Taeyong.

"I know but I love it anyway," Jae cuddled more into him.

Taeyong shook his head coughing a little before he focused on the lyrics.

'When a kitten says meow meow I have my story to tell

When a dog barks wow wow I sing for my best friend.

We're like frog and fox no eagle can threaten us

We're like daddy Tae and mommy Jae this one biggest love.'

Taeyong giggled.

"Please don't publish that" begged Jae. "The boys will nevef stop picking at me, Yuta especially."

"Looks like I have to find another rhyme," Taeyong laughed.

"Definitely," Jae laid down kissing Taeyong's palm. "Sing," he said.

"Oh you're worse than Junie," Taeyong shook his head but in a moment his rough voice sounded in the bedroom.

'When a kittens says meow meow I have my story to tell, when a dog barks wow wow I sing for my best friend, were like frog and fox no eagle...'

The bed was warm Taeyong's skin smelling intoxicating his voice the best lullaby so way too soon Jae drifted into sleep.

The bed was warm Taeyong's skin smelling intoxicating his voice the best lullaby so way too soon Jae drifted into sleep

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