51. Three flags

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He wanted to cry he was so sad, he laid dawn dialling Taeyong's number pressing video call.

"Jae, hi," Taeyong's smiling face appeared but his smile faded when he saw Jae's tears. "Babe what's up?"

"I miss you so much," Jae felt the tears rolling down his face.

"My Jae," whispered Taeyong.

"Is Jae calling?" Jae heard Renjun's excited tone so he washed the tears off quickly, a second later the boy's face appeared. "Hi Jae," he said.

"Hi my sunshine," Jae forced a smile. "How afe you."

"Daddy Tae made a delicious dinner, and we're building a castle," said Renjun his smile wide.

"Yes let's show him," Taeyong turned the phone towards their bedroom floor that was fully covered with a railway now a lego castle was raising from the ground.

"I see you'fe having fun," muttered Jae.

"Yes, we would have more fun with you but we're handling things," said Taeyong.

"Can I kiss Jae through the phone?" asked Renjun.

"He will be so happy," Taeyong giggled.

A moment later Renjun pressed his lips to the screen causing Jae's heart to melt.

"I love you too my baby," he said sending Renjun an air kiss.

Seeing his babies made him relaxed, made him happier, so much happier.

"How's Mark?" asked Taeyong.

"He's back but he loves Laufen and Taeil and Laufen got engaged and I don't even want to staft to tell about it," Jae said.

"What, it doesn't make sense at all," said Taeyong.

"I know," Jae shook his head miserably.

"Who's Laufen?" asked Renjun.

"Jae's friend," said Taeyong. "I'll call you in the evening my time you look super tired get some rest."

"Ok, thank you," Jae waved to them.

"Jae Dalli is missing you!" Renjun raised his voice.

"I miss you too," he saw how Renjun waved Dalli's foot towards him when Taeying sent him an air kiss.

How much he wished they could be here cuddle him from both sides giving him their warmth but hearing their voices and seeing them was enough to put some light into his troubled soul.

The loneliness became less scary Jae's worries were still making reality a little unpleasant but he closed his eyes imagining Taeyong is hugging him tightly.

Mark was back on stage, he rocked the stadium in Vancouver, his grandparents in the audience were very proud, while Jae was even more proud. He decided to stay with Mark for the next three weeks, they flew to South America, the tour slowly coming to an end. There was only a month of concerts left with the two days shows in their city as the huge finally.

It was the start of week three of Jae being apart from Taeyong and Renjun when an official invitation reached him in his hotel room. He read through it briefly.

'Lauren Francis and Moon Taeil are happy to invite you for our engagement party that will take place in a beach resort on The Maldives.'

The date was set a month after Mark's tour end. Jae hid the card and the envelope quickly as Mark walked into his room. They were eating breakfast together each day talking about music a lot and Mark was encouraging Jae to not to give in the vision he had for his comeback but Jae knew he will never be able to do it as Renjun could come across it someday, yes he would be too embarrassed.

This morning Mark fell on a chair opposite to Jae looking straight at him.

"Have you got the invitation?" asked Mark while he tried to make his voice stable but it cracked.

"Yes," Jae took a deep breath in, so Taeil had invited Mark too.

"Will you go?" asked Mark.

"I can't do it to Laufen and Taeil, to not to appeaf. They'fe my ffiends," said Jae.

"Yes we shell all go and clap as they're so 'fitting' together," Mark rolled his eyes.

"It's just an option you can choose to stay at home," said Jae.

"I will I can't look at this betrayer," Mark turned from him.

"What do you mean?" asked Jae.

Has Lauren and Mark had something no one knew about or did he feel betrayed by Taeil when was closing the bond with Lauren despite of the fact that Mark had told him about his feelings for her.

"Will you say it?" asked Jae.

"No," Mark began to bite his nails. "Jae you have to be a bad manger from now on give me shit tons of work man, ok. I need a new world tour or a heavy comeback with promotions each day once this here is over."

"Give the idea to Doyoung he will fulfil it with pleasufe," said Jae laughing.

"That's a good idea Doyoung can be a pain in the ass man."

A silence fell Mark was baiting on his nails his palms trembling.

"Jae, I'll be fine on my own go to your family they need you they're missing you tons man," said Mark so suddenly Jae nearly fell off the chair.

"What... But-but Mafk I can't leave you alone not with this heafbfeaking news."

"I promise you I will not act foolishly again, I will work hard make you my parents and grandparents proud. Make my fans proud. It's Mark Lee man," Mark rapped in a sad way. "Can you just do me a favor and remove the collaboration song with Taeil from the list of songs for the new album?"

Jae trembled Mark was talking in a such a matured way was it just to make him go, will Mark fall into pieces alone.

"Ok," said Jae.

"Just erase the truck it was a shitty song anyway," said Mark lowering his head although both knew it was the best track on the new album.

"Sufe," muttered Jae.

"Great so I'll go and prepare for the show you can pack I'll come to say bye once you're ready," said Mark getting up.

Thank you so much for all the amazing support, I'm sorry for being late on catching up with comments but I'm really busy in the new place

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Thank you so much for all the amazing support, I'm sorry for being late on catching up with comments but I'm really busy in the new place.

So what do you think about Taeyong and Renjun baking supportive to Jae, what about the invitation? Will Jae leave Mark alone?

Much <3

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