53. What is a date

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Mark's tour has ended with a huge success, yet the boy closed himself in the studio with Sicheng and Doyoung to work on the new album while Jae was visiting him from time to time to listen to the demos.

His approaching comeback was giving him sleepless nights as he was still torn between his vision and a rather youth friendly version he somehow couldn't come up with.

Lauren had called him asking if he will come to the engagement party she was obviously happy, Jae hasn't heard her being that happy for ages. It looked Mark wasn't the only one affected by the news about Taeil's proposal to her. Yuta had left Sicheng the day the invitation came, he said he needed to visit his parents so he packed his bags and took the first plane to Japan. Sicheng was devastated as a month head passed but Yuta wasn't coming back.

"Sicheng think it's over, Yuta and Sicheng," said Sicheng one day when he was visiting them, he was coming a lot lately to play with Renjun as both had a really amazing bond. Sicheng was Renjun's favorite person after Daddy Tae and Jae, Jae was also sure spending time with the sweet boy helped Sicheng to forget his broken heart so he let them. Sicheng was also the only person Renjun was ready to stay with without Taeyong and Jae.

So during an evening a week before the engagement party Taeyong asked Sicheng to stay over for the night to take care of Renjun when he invited Jae on a date. Jae was very excited they haven't had time for themselves for months, not that he was complaining each time with Taeyong was precious.

That evening Taeyong was wearing a very nice white hoodie to a leather jacket and very torn jeans, he looked so sexy Jae was standing in the middle of the living room staring when his lover entered.

"Jae it's been seven years," giggled Taeyong.

"It still feels like the fifst date," Jae blushed.

"Jae what is a date?" asked Renjun who was sitting on the fluffy carpet over a children's book, he was spelling slowly learning how to read when Sicheng was assisting him rubbing his back lovingly.

"It's when Daddy Tae is spending some very nice time with mommy Jae," Taeyong grinned. "And kissing him a lot, you know," Taeyong raised his brow causing Jae to become purple.

"But you will come back?" asked Renjun.

"Yes," Taeyong walked to the boy kneeling on the floor to kiss him goodnight, Renjun holding his face longer in his little hands. "We'll be back in the morning when you wake up we'll be here," said Taeyong pecking the boy's lips nose and forehead. "Have a god night and listen to Sicheng ok?"

"Ok," Renjun nodded.

"He's so so cute," Sicheng caressed Renjun's hair smiling wide.

Taeyong grinned wider when he got up Jae trembled, he went to Renjun then pecked his cheek like he used to do.

"Keep wafm Junie," he said cuddling the boy in his arms.

"Kiss for Dalli," said Renjun raising the sheep.

"Oh," Jae laughed kissing the stuffed animal causing Sicheng to giggle.

"Have a good date Jae," said Renjun taking Jae's face in his little hands like he did with Taeyong and pressing his baby lips to his.

Jae became still feeling something warm in him he had avoided such intimacy with Renjun but from the other side it was so innocent and lovely, such a different type of kiss than everything he has ever experienced.

"Night," he whispered letting go of Renjun then jumping up he left the flat quickly hearing Renjun asking Sicheng about a letter in the book.

They closed the door behind them and Jae let all the air out.

"Ah your face is priceless," said Taeyong grinning.

"Stop!" Jae became so embarrassed.

"My Junie is a very clever boy," Taeyong was so amused.

"One day he will stop kissing us," said Jae.

"I told you to enjoy it as long as he likes to do it," Taeyong giggled. "You're so shocked it precious. Haven't your parents been affectionate towards you when you were little?" asked Taeyong.

"No my mom, you know hef, she was vefy cold and distant," Jae blushed harder.

"Good that you can learn new things even from our beautiful son," Taeyong took Jae's hand leading him downstairs to a waiting taxi.

"Afen't we taking the caf?" asked Jae.

"No I have something special planned," Taeyong was in a great mood when he was pulling him to the cab.

The plates were empty the were waiting for a stunning dessert, the restaurant they were in was so luxurious Jae felt overwhelmed.

The baroque like interior design the long cream candles and flowers one the table, yes it felt special.

"How do you like the evening?" asked Taeyong smiling so bright.

"Gfeat," Jae blushed.

He took Taeyong's hand on the table squeezing it tightly.

"I was thinking about something lately," said Taeyong becoming serious.

"No no! One Fenjun is mofe than enough!" Jae raised his voice.

But Taeyong answered with laughter.

"Yes I agree with you completely, no it's just I thought about buying a house, something with a lot of space a big garden where Ranjun could play."

"I'm still tifed aftef our seafch fof Junie looking fof houses will be anothef challenge," said Jae.

"We're not in a hurry we can take our time, the right pale will appear like Renjun had appeared."

"You'fe so optimistic," Jae shook his head.

"I have all the reasons to, I'm with the most wonderful people."

"Ok let's get thfough the stfuggle of looking fof a house although I like youf flat," muttered Jae.

"We can keep the flat live a little here a little there."

"We will find the fight place," Jae was so stunned how he was agreeing on Taeyong's crazy ideas lately but he wasn't regretting finding Renjun, so maybe the house was a good idea too maybe in a bigger space they could have a little bit more privacy.

"I also want to know how your comeback is going? Shouldn't the video be out by now?"

Thank you for all the amazing support, I'm having a hard time in the new place, also so less time to write, but I still hope you enjoyed the chapter?

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Thank you for all the amazing support, I'm having a hard time in the new place, also so less time to write, but I still hope you enjoyed the chapter?

What do you think about Jaeyong's family time? What about Taeyong's idea and the date, how will it go?

Also if any of you know how to get tickets to a Korean music show like MBC Music Core, please pm me or let me know in the comments, the system here is so complicated I don't even know where to start😓😔

Much <3

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