New Mission

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They done lost their minds...

Its been over 10 years since the event of the plagas', the virus infection that was within his systems', as well as the now deceased presidents, daughter... But now they plan to use it to their advantage? They are beyond mad!?

Kennedy had to admit he was not the sanest or well put together person in the world. Hell, would anyone be after what he had seen and been through? Chris was lucky to usually have a team while he himself more often, went solo; though the blonde had to admit that having a crew sucked as well... Including when they lose their lives.

In fact, just four years ago Chris lost his whole team, including the young soldier that got his memories back and put him together, Pierce. That was a final blow in Leon's opinion, but The brunet is still going.

But, no matter what the past was about and how it had happened nothing can surpass the sheer madness of this requested task...


"You can't be serious about me sneaking into an old reactivated umbrella facility Mr. President. The plagas' was destroyed?" Kennedy questioned, hoping he heard wrong. But when the man nodded his head and rose up he felt like everything froze.

"I'm afraid so Mr. Kennedy..." the older man spoke, calmly with a hint of annoyance from the other males outburst. "We need it blowned up, and the only one who has had an infection to sneak past enemy lines is you. Also, your known for your success in these secretive and solo missions. No one else can handle this more proficiently than you... I assure."

Blue eyes narrowed and the blonde let out a huff, Leon holding his head from an oncoming headache. "Yeah, I always wanted to fit in with the popular kids." he jest, trying to lighten up his own mood with sarcasm: it didn't work too well. He could hear the president let out a sort of hiss and it actually made the blonde feel better.

The new man in charge was not exactly to his liking, though nor was Kennedy to the others. People still lay the blame on him for the fact that the previous one died, even though it was not his own choice. Most higher ups found him unusual with his surviving skills. He was always alone in the end, usually the only survivor, and it started to make people suspicious. Some had actually thought that after he reported about being infected and cleaning it out. Even though the test they performed said it was negative; that he was still infected and was genetically modified. 

A snort left his lip. (I'm just as human as the rest of you. Well much smarter actually.) he told himself. "Find something amusing Leon S. Kennedy?" interrupted an annoyed voice. the blonde, just remembering where he was and his current situation once more. Sighing his blue met with pissed brown and he shrugged. "Nothing, just thought about how fun it would be to be a boy scout again. Should I sell them cookies when I reach the front door?" he questioned gaining an even more pissy glare.

"Just do your mission as you see fit. Hunnigan can't help you this time around so do what you must." The man dryly replied, obviously not caring to play along with the others joke. Leon let out a deep-rooted sigh and raised his body rolling his shoulders and gaining a satisfactory pop. "Sir yes, sir" he mumbled uncaring as he walked to the door. (This will be fun.)

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