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Ok, so. My asshole of a laptop thought its fun to make things hard for me and I ended up deleting this chapter... Twice... So, for those of you reading this I-AM-SORRY. But I really needed my *Screams at the top of my lungs as I cry in pain curling up in a bed like a god damn two-year-old* Time to my self... *Snorts* yeah.

Moving on~

~Chapter 10~

Leon was anywhere, but where he wanted to be. Hell, this was the last thing he wanted. For a second time in his lifespan he was strapped to a chair with a foreign virus... and practice within his body. To top it all off. His life, not just his job, was in jeopardy as he had to rely on an actual snake who he swears is familiar. Which is a very, VERY, bad sign.

The fact that a part of Kennedy's self-conscious could comprehend the words, 'I have seen him before,' means that this man is dangerous. Still, he can't argue, fight, discriminate and arrest. This man is trying to save his life and technically did to an extent. With a cost, but more then his own superior would at the moment. But that did not make him a traitor... Loyalty is sometimes used to control and deceive rather than as just a moral code. This was a temporary alliance, and after this, he would owe a debt. That does not mean he will betray his country. He never would.

Releasing a heavy sigh, rich blue stare at the device scanning them. The shrieks of metal, the hum of the scanning laser. He tuned in to it all the sounds over everything seeming to grow by the minute. He could hear the rattles of the snakes just out of crumbling walls, cue in on the hushed breaths of two other, the crunch and scraping of feet against damaged tiled floor telling him when his companions moved. It felt odd, yet not to the point of alarm.

Years spent in this field always kept him on edge, even when at home alone. Being in tune with his surroundings was the only skill he had that really worked to keep him alive. That and is speed. But as his age continued to progress so would his skills and 'speed,' dwindle. But why worry about the future when the present wasn't even stable as it was?

From a distance. Red eyes watched the tabled blonde, his attention snared by what was going inside the more thin framed built body, his attention completely and utterly captivated. Looking at the screen, a normal human body should have been red and orange, light traces of blue and green... But here the man's chart showed a mellow yellow and green. His own would have been a very vibrant red, showing a high concentration of mutation. That is, when he has his serum injected into his bloodstream. As he is now it would be closer to that of a human.

Moving his attention he gazes briefly at a second small screen within the large computer. It showed the flow of cells within the person body. how their blood worked. What he found was very extraordinary, the process of how it ended the way it did a pure mystery to him.

Feeling the presence of his 'son' behind him, Albert Wes turned to simply glance briefly; and he was met with disappointment. It seemed the boy only carries his bronze, but not his brain. The expression of bafflement and apprehension was all he caught in the easy to read kid. If this boy is going to carry his jeans, he will not let it be squandered. No. This boy will learn soon what he must. But for now, he must focus on his little pet agent.

Leon s, Kennedy is very extraordinary. He has seen and heard on multiple occasions how this man beats the odds and even now surpassed him. He was talented, capable, and easily manipulated by emotions. And an easy tool. The question was, how can he get his loyalty and make him his servant like he did with so many others? It would be a shame to not take his new experiment home after he was done playing his current role. Now that he thinks about it, it would also be a shame to have to kill him as well. He can not allow the damn corrupt government of weak-willed fools have this potential threat and weapon.

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