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~Chapter 6~

Third day in. The hotel their small secluded space... The minute Leon had handed over his blood sample to Wes the man requested to use his laptop and that he gave money for a few supplies. He complied easy enough and the Al Wes set himself up. Since then, the scientific blonde had been on the subject non-stop, not even bothering to sleep which bother Leon to no end... But who is he to try and adult an adult?

Sighing. He rose from one of the two beds inside of the room, cracking his back and glancing over at the blonde male with the face lighting screen. He didn't worry about the man prying because he locked everything down, and on the first day watched to see if he would detour. Never... He never detoured.

Sliding to the mattress edge he jumped off, looking over the shoulder of the male so to get a clear view of the time. "Eight AM. Don't you think you can take a few minutes break?" he asked despite knowing the answer... Which was nothing. The man was completely zoned out. Unintentionally he sighed out loud, the man in front flinching then looking up, red eyes intrigued.

Leon felt his blues go wide, about to back up when a hand grasped his chin and pulled him down. He felt the broader blonde settle his nose against his bared throat and tried to push off when the others toned arms came to stop his futile attempt. "Wes?" he managed to gasp out feebly- hearing the man take a strong whiff, his hot breath ghosting over his revealed chest.

"The mutations increased," he heard the distracted mumble, the man pulling him closer. "Your scent is, sweet... Yet bitter. Enticing yet forbearing." The mindless talking continued.

The entire time the word came out, hot breath alerted cold flesh. Leon was beginning to feel very uncomfortable at the weird situation pushing again when he was abruptly released, falling on his ass as the man turned back to the computer and begun to mindlessly mumble to himself once more completely self-absorbed.

"Morning to you too!" Kennedy growled completely annoyed. He had a lot more to say besides that, like 'what the fuck?' or 'yeah just shove your nose against another guy and talk about how he smells just like ROSES!?' sarcastic- angry responses ready as a backlash towards the small humility... But what's the point if the man can't hear? "Deaf fucker," he mumbled unable to stop the immature comment.

Rising back to his legs he patted himself off on instinct and walked away towards the restroom. Turning the hot knobs he heard the spray slam down into the ceramic dome, small spurts and sprays from the sheer force of gravity- popping up to hit his arms and legs. Using his hand to check the temperature, he adjusted it, waited for the water to level with his own body's heat.

Taking the single garb off his waist he stepped inside sighing as the heat seeped into his back. Lately, his body's been sore and tired... No matter what he did he always ended up the same. Jake slightly noticed but stood silent about it. His worry visible, but kept to himself. After all, what good would talking about it do?

Fingers combing through his hair he massaged his scalp the soap he had poured into his palm bubbling it up. Leon had to admit he loved showers, he rarely got to enjoy them when those infection events happened... His freedom from it all only came in short burst, even now... And man how he wished for some alcohol right now... A sigh leaving pale lips at the thought he let his body fall against the cold tile, at first flinching upon the contact, then sinking in it. A shudder left his whole being from the countering temperatures but he stood leaning against the wall.

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