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~Chapter 12~

At Leon S. Kennedy's home, Jake and Sherry became totally engrossed with one another. A few days of relaxation had passed but Leon still felt a simple joy at watching the two. The young couple stood seated near a porch with a circle-shaped table, Leon and Wes on a similar one just a few feet away. The blonde male he sat with seemed to be getting a sort of irritation looking at the agent with inpatients. "Isn't their more important things?"

The smaller built man sighed. "Yeah, but it's not like they get to be like this often. I figure a man like you doesn't have kids and could care less about them but to me, it's important that they find happiness." He informed looking straight at the other. "Not many of us who survive in this kind of lifestyle do... I'm just really happy for them," he continued when the other scoffed.

"You act as if they are your kids. You don't have a lover or a child so I don't see the relevance of this situation." He argued gaining a slight hiss.

Leon wanted to snap at this man but he was right about one thing. He had no kids nor a lover so why did he care? Feeling a soft smile he looked at the two, laughing slightly. "You're right. It has no relevance... But I can't help be attached. Feel like I must help everyone. Seems like a flaw all survivors have." He joked laughing a little more. "Maybe if I viewed things more selfishly like you I could have just lived a normal life. My choices would not have been so limited." 

Wesker narrowed his eyes, the insult was thrown purposefully but that was not what caught his attention. There was a hidden message in those words. "What made you choose this life?" He asked, his curiosity catching the other off guard. 

Shocked lilac stare at the others stormy-blue for moments before he cocked his head with a teasing grin. "Thought you knew everything?" 

The man smirked back.

"I know most things, but I can't read minds." The tone was low, playful, Al Wes leaning near the smaller agents face. Moving towards Leon's ear.

Kennedy felt a shiver run down his spine, his heart picking up as he felt something inside squirm again. He realized before that the virus reacted to the other strongly. A little too strongly. Taking a deep breath he never moved his body: Only his eyes shift to gaze at the other as he retorts. "I would have never guessed. Guess you don't have the powers of a god," Swallowing the awkward lump he pressed both palms flat on the table. "How about you give me a hint of your abilities and I let you in on a little secret of my own? Friendly," He paused taking another deep breath, closing his eyes as he felt the other edge closer. "Exchange." He choked.

He could feel the choppy gust of laughter hit him. "Hm, sounds promising." the alto sounding voice whispered before the man pulled back to fully seat himself into his own chair, legs crossed a single arm resting on his elbow as he checked the other out. Wesker noticed that as the days went by, that sweet scent that the agent had upon the day he slept with him was being emitted again. That tantalizing flavor in the air. He also noticed each time he edged near the agent the man would react in a very pleasing way. He could see his eyes shine as something seemed to try to take over, its hold growing each day. It was pleasing to know that the plagas itself was making a leash of its own. This man would be in his grasp soon... Or so he thought. But even he knew that this foe won't go down easily. The battle in those eyes showed how much the man was fighting it. It only took a minute for the other to compose himself and become a mystery, his expression a mask just like his own with that unreadable smile.

"Want to share first? No offense, but I think you like to sneak out of these kinds of bargains," Leon spoke, tapping his hand lightly on the wooden table. "You did call yourself a gentleman before, so, shouldn't you go first?" He teased, his grin growing as he saw the other pause. Seems he won this debate.

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