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Chapter 2

Clanking echoed, heavy breaths echoing; Leon finally reached the opposite end of the damned vent, using his knife to silently pry it open. He was just about done when he felt something fuzzy against his neck and panicked. Hand rising to slap the invader, his body lost balance as his entire form fell back. Head first. Against the metal floors.

The sound echoed and a grunt escaped, the pop of the vent sounding off seconds after. "Well... Can't get any lower." he sarcastically spoke out, jumping down into a bent position. Folding his knees so to absorb the shock rather than roll in the unidentified and dark room.

Feet shifting, he rose to a stance, body straight once more as he rolls his neck and shoulders. "To cramped in that space." he mildly complained turning back to grasp for the door. Ears tuning in on the outside hall, he concentrates; listening for any unusual movement before cracking the door, peaking through for movements. Nothing came to strained ears and he figured it was clear, opening just a centimeter more just for hands to shove against his chest and shut the door behind the invader.

Blonde lashes blink behind a black mask for moments as he hears slight fumbling, lights blinding him so suddenly he filched; covering the mask eye sockets. "God, try warning me?" he quips slightly agitated, a small hum following in response.

"If I did it would have alerted them. Seemed like a bad idea." The other argued, slight sarcasm in their voice. But Kennedy didn't mind, he is equally just as sarcastic. Even if he somewhat grew out of it threw out the years. Straightening his posture the blonde sighs, turning his body to look around and stops.

Mouth falls agape as he finally takes notice of the room, experimental tubes everywhere, all small but one... The center holding a life-sized being inside, the initials A.W. on the bottom.

Tearing off his helmet Leon began walking towards it. A screen popped up in front, the options release and destroy on the front, a summary scanning down with all sorts of information. Leon was so concentrated on trying to read the information given he failed to realize Jake, the boy's hand grasping his shoulder, causing the smaller blonde to jump. "Shit, Jake!" he hissed, completely startled. He was far to use to working alone.

Kennedy half expected the boy to laugh at him, but nothing came out. Lifting a brow he turned to the teen brow raised. "What caught your tongue?" He questioned, knowing that usually, the teen had a smart response back.

Muller, was currently staring at the man within the tube. Eyeing disheveled blonde hair, unknown colored eyes closed behind the man's lids and ivory skin, the texture perfect with no scars... Something that was truly unusual for an umbrella creation or mutation.

Leon looked back at the man and eyed him, trying to find out the teens interest, but the only thing that flagged was that this man... Was definitely not human. (To good looking to be a zombie either,) he compromised. Snapping his fingers in front of the detracted young adult Leon smirked. "Think this is who you were looking for?" He questioned.

Jakes, blue eyes roamed Kennedy for a moment before returning to the other blonde, the man within the water capsule a lighter tone vs Leon's sandy or ash colored one. "I feel a type of pull... Like a tie. I think this is the one whose like me." The mercenary finally confessed. And Kennedy nods. 

"Good. Let's check them out."

"Wait wha-" Muller could not finish the question before Leon hit the release. The boy hissed, pulling the blonde back. "What the fuck are you thinking?" 

The blonde shrugged. "That I don't want to waste time. He attacks we kill. It's simple." Came the dry argument, and Jake growled.

Leon honestly understood the others reasoning and annoyance. On a normal occasion, he wouldn't have done this... But something... Just clicked. And before he knew it he acted like a curious child.

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