Day Six: Discovery

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I slowly open my eyes to expect some form of pain, but I feel nothing. My neck no longer hurts from what that thing did and nothing is in pain from hitting the ground; it was almost as if nothing happened. Looking around, I find myself pinned against the invisible wall yet again, but the room wasn't black anymore. Small spheres of color flashed and flew around me, almost to tell me something. It almost looked like my memories? One particular ball slowed to a stop in front of me and faded to a gray scale as sound slowly filled my head. It was calling to me and I tried to reach out to it, half expecting to find myself unable to move but yet I could. I slowly stepped down and reached towards the now gray bubble only to have it burn my hand when I touched it. Quickly pulling my hand back, the bubble came to life and color started to return to what was an all too familiar memory. It was of when Pidge and Hunk almost killed us.


"What does this do?" I asked innocently as I circled around the hunk of metal in the middle of the hanger and the man himself .

Pidge looked up a bit from their laptop and  went back to typing in some sort of code. Honestly, there have been a few times where I wish I was better with technology than I am.

"Its a prototype cloaking mechanism for the castle." They say rather nonchalant, "Since the castle and Lions have a similar quintessence, I figured I'd try to see if I could size up what I know works to fit the castle."

"So if this works, we could actually keep the castle hidden away during battle?"

"Precisely!" Hunk leaned back and smiled over to me as I stood beside him. "Though, this lump of junk could only  cloak something the size of a lion."  He gestured over to Green, who was behind us sitting proudly, before returning to tinker on their project.

"Are the final adjustments finished on the device?"  Pidge slightly pulled the lid of their laptop to them.

"Yup." Hunk popped the 'p' a bit, "Just finished, want to fire it up?"

I was gestured to move a box, I had laid my jacket on, into the cloaking parameter before I stood back to watch. Taking my place between the two, I tucked my hands into my pockets and let my jacket drape over my forearm, watching as Pidge typed the few remaining codes needed.

"So what happens if it malfunctions?"

"Well, it either sparks and smokes itself out, or it explodes." Pidge chimed  in a very monotone voice.


"Yes seriously."

"So we are just supposed to stand here and let it blow up in our faces?"

"Oh its not going to blow up Lance," they laugh a bit before hitting the last key, "I was just messing with you."

"Okay, now I'm worried about it blowing up." Hunk chimed in.

"Don't worry buddy, I'll protect you," I smirk a bit, using my arm to lean on his shoulder, turning my attention to the glowing mass of what's supposed to be a cloaking device.

It slowly flicked to life as it and the crate disappeared ever so slowly. You could still faintly see the crate, but the device itself was gone. I looked over to see Pidge and Hunk just beaming that their creation actually worked, but something seemed off. I shifted a bit and looked back to the device. It was almost as if I could see the air around it getting warmer than it should be. Giving a quick glace to our neighborhood techie, I saw them looking over the stats on their laptop.

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