The First Crack

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I slowly made my way out of the training room and out into the hall using the wall as support. This whole over using my power thing was really starting to get old at this point; especially with how drained it left me. That, now that is the worst part of it. If anything, if there wasn't the aching muscles I wouldn't care if I got other side effects! The others I can handle just fine but I can't stand sore muscles. It's bad for my features~!... Okay, so even I'll admit that one was bad. Nope, nope. It was terrible. Lance 0 - pile of never to be said again 1.

Groaning, I leaned against the wall to catch my breath and looked around to see where I am. Not to my surprise, I am close to nowhere in this castle with no way to get a hold of anyone else. So there goes that idea, but there's something that's been bothering me since everyone found out I have powers. One, Allura has been almost to silent around me and actually seems too okay with what's going on. Two, Keith has been super not Keith? Like so far he's been fun and, dare I say it, caring, but in a way that's totally not Keith. Though, it's Allura I'm concerned about. I've always known that she has had some homesickness for Altea but I didn't realize it was that bad. Honestly, I feel for her and what she's going through, but that doesn't make it right for her to be acting the way she is. I need to talk to her, but first, I need to actually get somewhere to find anyone to hang out with. It's boring and lonely in abandoned hallways. Come to think of it, how did I even put up with being alone that long? Ever since we found out about the Blade and that Keith was Galra, I pretty much isolated myself. No one ever came to check on me either... No. None of that today Lance, they probably just thought I needed some time to myself with everything that was going on. Yeah, that had to be it, right?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I looked up to see that I actually made it further than I though I would. I had reached the hangers and I still had a long way until I made it to Red. He wasn't as comforting as Blue, but made up for it in reassurance. The only issue is that I had to cross the hall and leave my wall and then somehow make it across the hanger floor. Maybe I should have asked for a crutch before Keith left. However, it was a bit late for that and I'm now in front of Red's door. Okay, no big deal, you can make it to the door no problem. Take a breath, I pushed off the wall and quickly made my way across the hall, promptly catching myself before I hit the door with my shoulder. I made it across the hall and to the door no problem just like I said I would, until the door opened. I fell right onto my face as the protective wall that was the door opened on me. It couldn't get worse right? Wrong. Now that I was in the hanger, the door closed, leaving me to lie on the ground with a bruised shoulder, sore face, and the cherry of it all, a laughing lion.

"Oh haha, very funny Red."

I rolled my eyes and sat up, looking over to Red as a wave of relief ran over me at the sight of my gorgeous boy. Red was alright and didn't have any permanent damage from the blast. Though, now I couldn't get up. Now I really needed that crutch- wait, I could just make one! Smacking myself on the forehead, I held out the hand, that wasn't damaged mind you, and made a very rough looking crutch. Not very comfortable or pleasing to look at but it'll get the job done. I braced myself against it and slowly stood up, leaning heavily on it as I made my way over and practically threw myself onto Red's paw.

"Hey there handsome, miss me?" I grinned as Red seemed to voice his approval of the nickname. I laid my crutch beside me and patted Red's paw. "I know, its good to be back. Though, by any chance do you know if troubles remembering things is a side effect from the pods?" silence, "Okay, fair enough."

It was a bit of a stretch to think the lions would know, so I guess that one would be a question for Coran. I should probably thank him for getting Red back into shape for me and gladly would if I could walk anywhere! A wave of amusement hit me as I snapped my attention back up to Red.

"Yes. I can't walk. Hilarious."

Sometimes I wonder how much these darn lions can read our minds. I do know it would be a bit terrifying if Blue could have felt what I did. Both explosions, the pain of my ice? I could hardly handle those on my own.

"Hey Red?" I turned my gaze to the bottom of his head, "Do you think the others will feel any different about me now that they know?" Pausing, there was no response, "I mean, yeah, sure they didn't seem to mind Keith but me? I'm just plain old Lance who doesn't really have a thing. I have ice powers now but before I  never really did."

My hand slowly creeped into my view and I looked at the small veins of blue that occasionally peeked through my skin. "Their first view of my powers was me almost dieing... They could think I am the weakest member right now and I'd be defenseless to protest. Though, they aren't wrong if they'd think I'm the weakest..." I let my thoughts be clouded by the soothing waves of maroon Red pushed through my being. They were reassuring but still held that harsh edge of passion I know and love Red for. He was trying to comfort me the only way he knew how and I couldn't help but smile at that. "Thanks buddy..." I patted his paw and rolled over onto my side. Closing my eyes, I let out a breath and curled into myself a bit more. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without these Lions.

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