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When I woke up, I felt energy flow through out me with such vigor that I was automatically awake. Lazily eyeing my hands, I could see a pale, golden frost slowly seep into my skin which filled me with amazement. However I was quickly brought out of my trance as I heard something shift around in the room. Sitting up, I was greeted with my lovely buddy I came to know and adore.

"Ah~ What do I owe the pleasure to?" I asked smiling over to a un-bothered space monster.

"The power swells with each passing acceptance you hold within..."

Something didn't quite feel right about that statement, but before I could say anything, it vanished leaving me alone. Glancing over to the clock, it was way past breakfast and creeping on the edge of lunch. Knowing how Hunk acted last time I skipped two meals in one day, I decided to push my way out of my bed and to the kitchen.  However, as luck would have it, as soon as I stood up, the gold glow vanished and fatigue smacked me in the face. Either my body finally healed itself, or I have some space leech on me.

One through pat down and a long walk later, I made it to the kitchen to see Hunk and Coran having a spat over who gets to cook this time. I chose to lean against the wall until it settled down and made my way to face plant into Hunk, who responded with putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Ah, it is nice to finally see you up my boy!" Coran chimed happily at seeing me.

"Nice to see you to," I hummed and slowly shifted around to face him. "Oh, I wanted to ask you a few questions, got any time?"

"Absolutely! What do you need to know?"

"I can barely remember hearing you from when I was in the pod, but you said something about the Druids of Legend... What did you mean from that?"

He shifted a bit, "Yes, that I did... I did not mean to say that you were, only that you were similar to what Altean historians have predicted. We have no way of determining that you are either." Coran twirled the end on his mustache a bit as he thought through his words.

I noticed Hunk seemed to be just as interested in this as I am.

"Is there any records left or do you have anything you could tell me about them?"

"Hm, I am not sure if there will be any written records in the castle's room of records, but I do know there is a few in the system!" He perked up a bit more as he raised a hand, "Good news, it has the historians' interpretations and finding on the Druids. Bad news is that all of our books and database are in written Altean and would need translated, but more good news. It would be very easy to change into English with that device number 5 has been working on!"

"How long would it take for you to gather everything?"

"No longer than a Varga."

"Think you could do that for me?" I tilted my head a bit as I asked.

"Of course! Would you like me to share with the rest of the team what I find out?"

"No-" I said a bit too fast before catching myself, "No... I think I should be the one to tell them if anything comes out of this.."

Coran nodded, understanding my point, "Understood, but don't worry too much. None of us think of you any differently from this, and will understand if you do not wish to tell us everything immediately." Giving me a firm smile, he turned around and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me and Hunk alone.

Letting out a sign, I let my head fall back onto Hunk's shoulder and he shook his head faintly.

"Coran's right you know." He waited for me to say something before continuing. "You can always come to us, no matter what the issue is. Also, just because you are now living your childhood fantasy of becoming Elsa, doesn't mean that we automatically would hate you."

Shaking my head I closed my eyes and hummed a bit. "You know I hate it when your right."

"Someone has to keep your head on straight."

I smiled a bit before turning around and flinging my arms around him dramatically. "Oh Hunk~! What would I do with out you?"

"Probably be in some space jail from flirting." He chuckled and patted my back, "Now unless you want goo from a tap, I'd get up so I could make the special."

"Don't need to tell me twice." I slowly leaned up and walked over to the part of the counter he wouldn't use and sat on it, watching him do his magic. We sat in comfortable silence as I handed him different items when asked to and now, was getting him some plates. "Hunk?"

"Hm?" He hummed his response, still spending his attention on the food.

"Did you mean it?" I set the plates down beside him and he looked at me, "Did you mean it when you said you guys would let me take as long as needed to tell you things regarding my powers?"

Hunk finished scooping his food onto the plates and then turned to face me, "Of course I do. Now some might be a bit impatient, but we all understand if you don't want to tell us right away." He gave me the warmest smile I've ever seen and handed me two of the plates.

I swear, something inside of me melted at that as I returned the smile and took the plate. "Man, I really don't deserve you guys." I took my plates into the dinning room where Allura was already sitting down along with Pidge.

"Ah, Lance! Mind if I have a word with you after the others finish training today?" Allura gave me a small nod as she took her plate, but she also caught me off guard.

"Y-yeah.. Sure, whatcha need?" I handed Pidge their plate and they gave me /that/ look from the princess's request.

"I would like to discuss your abilities and I thought you would prefer to speak in private as a continuation to our conversation the other day."

I bit the inside of my cheek a bit, feeling a wave of cold hit me in an attempt calm down. "Yeah, that's fine with me. I'll find you after its done?" Sitting down, Hunk and Pidge both gave me a conserned glance from how I had turned my attention to the now frosted spoon in my hand.

"Splendid! I will either be in the control room or the observation deck when you go looking." She smiled and Keith slowly made his way in, taking his seat and giving me a quick nod when  I glaced over in his direction.

We all ate in silence, some conversation popping up here and there, until Allura became the first to leave. I was thankful that she seemed unaware of how out of it I seemed, but no one else looked over it. Hunk was the one who seemed to show his concern the most, with even Keith giving a small glance now and again. If they were trying to make me feel comfortable, it definitely wasn't working, leading me to quickly excusing myself and practically running down the halls. I followed the familiar path until my feet lead me to where it all started with. Even now, the abandoned servant quarters were deathly silent. There were still some sratches on the walls from where my powers had first blew up. Yet, this hallway still seems to be more comforting to me than my own room. I found where the hall turned to go to more rooms and sat down in that corner.

I don't know why I'm so nervous at talking to Allura. Hell, I don't even know why I ran out of the dinning room. Nothing about this makes sense, but at least the cold wave in the hall did. SLowly dragging my eyes from the floor to my little buddy across the way, I propped my head up against my knees.

"Do you happen to know anything about butterflies and why they get in people's stomachs?" It only stared at me, as if it was judging me and I raised my eyebrow at that. "Cat got your tongue?" nothing, "Mouth sewn shut?" still no response. Something is definitely up with this guy and it suddenly came to me. Sitting up a bit, a sly smile came onto my face, "Did you happen to see an Altean?" It seemed to blink, and stagger back at that comment.




-Crime-aid Reader

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