Calm after the Storm

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For once the silence was comforting. After we all ate, we headed back to our rooms for the night, deciding it was best to let everything process. For me? There was nothing to let settle. In fact, it was like a weight has been lifted off of my chest and I can finally breath again. There is no more need for me to be sneaking around, no more purpose for the lock, and there was no going back to hiding. Now don't get me wrong, the lock is staying on the door. I worked way too hard to get that thing on just to take it off. Also, its nice to have the option.

Tomorrow, now tomorrow will be a day. Its straight to training after any remaining questions are asked, so I took it upon myself to take a nicely chilled shower and to then lay in bed with my favorite mask. I glanced over to the wall and stared at my list of rules. So far there are fifteen little rules on the wall and I am sure there will be more. I'm surprised there isn't more than that, but hopefully I can keep up the trend. Speaking of trends, I still don't quite remember everything correctly from before I went into the pod, and I don't remember much from the pod either. I can recall the conversations I had with my lovely buddy, but everything else is as hazy as my actual memories. I really hope that this is a side effect of being in the pod for so long. Shaking my head of my thoughts, I slip on my headphones and surrender myself to even more sleep. Now sleep for once came easy. I slipped into my wonderful dream world and woke up to my alarm fully refreshed.

What a nice change.

I washed off my face danced through the rest of my new routine I picked up over the past few months. Once I was fully dressed, I made my way to the kitchen to meet the rest of the team for breakfast, finding Allura was the only one in here. Shrugging it off, I slipped into my seat to wait for everyone else and got comfortable for the wait. I had started to zone out when the sound of someone clearing their throat caught my ear and I looked up to Allura who smiled to me. 'Odd..' I raised an eyebrow and smiled back. I could tell something was up with the look she gave me, but who am I to judge? If I had to be in her position, my mind would probably be going everywhere as well.


I brought my attention back to Allura as her voice filled the air. She gave a quick glance to the floor and let out a breath.

"Are you sure you were always human?" 

Not a strange question... Kinda disappointing though.

"Yeah, I'm sure and I still am. Isn't the readings from way back when I got caught in the explosion with the fake rover still on file?" I sat up a bit in my seat, letting my back lay flat against the back of the chair.

"...Yes.." A pause, "I hope you don't mind but I have already looked through it and it said that you were human." She folded her hands in her lap and stared at her moving thumbs. "You also had your abilities when the cloaking device blew up in the Green lion hanger?"


Now I'm really curious of what she is getting at.

"That would account for the inconsistency we saw when you were in the pod for that..." Allura mumble to herself, but it was loud enough for anyone to hear really. "I just, I-I hoped..." she sighed heavily, looking up at me, "I had just hoped for there to be one more Altean with us. Something, anything, to share some semblance of home with.." Allura's face told all of her emotions as the pain could be seen running down her frame.

'Not... Not expecting that response..'

My eyes widened a bit as I bit my lip a bit. 'Homesickness...' Now that, that was something I could understand. Even if it isn't as bad as it used to be, it still comes and goes like the tide. Anything could set it off and what better trigger could the possibility of another Altean be?

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