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The silence inside of the elevator was overbearing other than the occasional click as it moved passed the various floors, and with each floor came an even more unbearable nervousness. The powerful emotion was pouring into Allura, causing her ears to droupe and her face scrunch up as she lost herself to thought. Keith glanced over at her and sighed softly, it being ignored by the other. It wasn't until he cleared his throat that Allura looked up with a fright.

"Don't worry him, I'm sure hes fine,"

"I'm afraid I am not sure if I can do that right now," she let out a small breath, "Its not like him to miss anything unless he is in trouble." Allura shifted a bit and folded her hands together as she looked off towards the floor. "Keith, could I confide in you?"

He glanced over at her, blinking a bit before speaking, "Of course princess, whats wrong?"

"I feel as though I might be keeping some information from you in regards to where we are going."  She paused for a moment, shifting her weight, "Somewhere within the servants' quarters is a door that not even father let me near.... I am not sure what is inside, nor do I know what purpose it serves. Father only told me that great power lies within..." her voice trailed off as Keith stood taller, intrigued.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I fear that may be where Lance is. The blue dot that represents him may not have been present, but the flash of white may be because of his abilities." Allura, turned to face as the elevator clicked to a stop, the doors sliding open to a black hall, "And with whatever has afflicted him to cause these powers may have brought him to that very door."


"Hey... Pidge?"

Inside of Green's hanger,  the small clatter of a few tools and the sounds of a keyboard filled the room as they worked on a different cloaking mechanism, safety checked to prevent another explosion. Pidge was sitting on a box slightly behind the mechanism as Hunk sat up from adjusting the wiring.

"Yeah?" they looked up slightly above the top of their laptop over to him.

"Do you remember that lock that Lance had on his door? Well, I do and I may have tried to unlock it but there's like some kind of bio-locking thingy that I've never seen on it... Do you think Lance is hiding something from us? Like, when did he even get that thing? Its barely even noticeable from the hall unless you are looking right at it-" Hunk got cut off  to the sound of Pidge hopping off of the box they were sitting on.

"Its Olkarian. I have tried my hand at it but I can't even open it." They walked around to him and pushed their laptop back open. "I feel like whatever he is hiding, there's a reason for it.. I found this in the system a couple of vargas ago, but the video is from shortly after Shiro disappeared." They clicked play and allowed the other take it from them as they both sat in more comfortable positions.

There was no audio as Lance was tossed against a wall in the training room from outside the door. As he sat up and pressed up against the wall, the whole room started to frost from the door. The corners of the room slowly swirled black as a darkness surrounded him and the camera cut out. Once it came back on, lance was curled up in a ball rocking back and forth with a small shelter of ice formed around him. The darkness in the room forming into a black mass that stood above him before slowly seeping into the shelter, sending violent trimmers throughout him, as he fell limp against the wall.

"What the hell was that?!?"

"I'm not sure, but I feel like whatever  that is, its the reason Lance has been so distant from everyone." Pidge took their laptop back from Hunk as he handed it to them.

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