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Jun's POV

   Chan blew the candle shaped like a seven on his cake as the whole family finished singing happy birthday.

   I stood right next to my now 7y.o youngest brother, Chan, and my oldest brother Jisoo. Mom and dad stood on the other side of the dining table and took a picture of our huge family of only boys.

   Okay, it seems impossible but all of my brothers and I were born within four years. Yeah, sounds crazy, eleven sons in such a short amount of time. I don't know, ask my parents.

The first kid mom and dad ever had was Jisoo. Then BAM(bam) four other mistakes came that year. Me(Jun), Soonyoung, Wonwoo, and Woozi.

The next year they had five more sons. Like five other kids weren't already enough. Seokmin, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, and Vernon. Honestly, why didnt they stop at me? I came after Jisoo when mom and dad went to China and I was born.

Last, I mean hopefully last, we have Chan. He's the youngest, the maknae of the family. Seriously, I better not wake up tomorrow and mom and dad tell us that another one of us might be coming because I think ten brothers is enough.

   "Who wants cake??" Dad shouted.

   The whole family cheered, jumping up and down eager to eat some icecream cake.

   "One at a time, boys, line up." Mom told us. "Chan will get the  first piece."

   "Happy birthday, Chan." Dad said.

   "Thank you Dad Cheol, yayyyyy cake!" He cheered.

   Mom handed Chan a plate and he instantly began digging into it.

   Once everyone got a piece of ice cream cake we just scattered around the dining room and ate our cakes. The usual groups stayed together. Mom and dad stayed with Chan while Jisoo and Seokmin sat near them, Vernon and Seungkwan stayed in the corner eating they're cake together, in another corner Mingyu stole bites of Wonwoo's ice cream when he wasn't paying attention, Soonyoung gently used a napkin to wipe ice cream off of Jihoon's mouth, and Minghao sat near me.

   "Minghao," I said to him after finishing my piece of cake. "Is the cake good?"

   He did aegyo and nodded which was really cute.

   "Yeah it's good." He smiled.

   "Well, I finished mine, can I have some of yours?"

   His face quickly went to a serious expression.

   "No," he said, putting his cake to his other side. "It's my cake. If you finished yours then that's your problem."

   "Ah, your too cute. I'm just kidding." I messed up his hair.

   "...Okay." He slowly brought the last few scoops of ice cream cake to his mouth.

   "Minghao." I said, "there's some on your face."


   I took a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth.

   "Oh, thank you hyung."

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