|| Twenty ||

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In this ship (Michaeng) Mina is gonna be the mom and Chaeyoung is the dad. 

Soonyoung's POV

We drive up to our new house and I got out of the car. Both my moms got out of the car and got my younger brother and sister from the back.

"It's so cool!" I stared at the house in amazement. "I'm so excited!"

"What's so special about it?" Dad giggled. "It's just a house."

   "Yeah, but now we live in Korea!" I beamed. "And that's exciting for me!"

   "Don't forget you have school and your late, like extremely late. You practically missed the whole day, but you should at least see your new school." Mom broke in.

   "Aw, okay. I'll enjoy this later. But are you sure you don't need help unpacking?" I asked.

   "We're fine, sweetie." Dad said. "There's not much anyway. Just a couple luggages. The house furnished too."

   "Everything's good here, honey." Mom added. "Just head off to school. Take your school bag and we'll come pick you up later. You know how to get there, right?"

   "Yeah." I answered grabbing my school bag from the trunk. "See you later moms!"

   I ran down the street and looked at  the time on my phone. It was already 1:20 and I checked my schedule so I know where I needed to go once I got to the school. My next class starts in 10 minutes.

   I ran through the front doors and down an empty hallway then burst through the classroom door.

   "SO SORRY I'M LATE!!!" I boomed and tried to catch my breath.

"It's okay." The teacher said. "You must be Son Soonyoung."

"Yup." I answered.

   I looked at the class and noticed everyone staring right at me. I shrugged it off and smiled.

   "You're a transfer student, am I correct?" The teacher asked. "Please introduce yourself to the class."

"Oh, yeah, sure." I faced the class. "Hi, I'm Son Soonyoung. I'll always try to be happy. Please take care of me."

   "Take a seat anywhere." The teacher told me and I made my way over to a desk at the back of the class. "May I ask why you were late?"

"Um, my family and I just moved here from America and there was a flight delay."

"Welcome to Korea then." The teacher smiled. And I was relieved because I thought he was going to lecture me for being late.

   After class I gatherers my things and walked out the classroom door. My moms said that they would pick me up, so I made my way to the front. Before I got to open the door someone hugged me from behind.

   "Um, excuse me. I don't think that's really appropriate." I said pushing the boy off me. "I mean, we just met."

"W-What?? But it's me, Jihoon." The boy said as if I was supposed to know who he was.

I mean, I've only ever been in America. I've visited Korea a couple times and the only reason I can speak Korean is because that's the language my parents spoke to me since the beginning. I also know Japanese because of my mom and English because I lived in America. The point is, I couldn't possibly know who this Jihoon is, but I wanted to be polite.

"Nice to meet you, Jihoon. I'm Soonyoung. But you probably already know that because we were just in the same class." I said.

I felt really bad because he looked like he was on the edge of bursting into tears.

"R-Right." He added and wiped tears from his face. "I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else."

"It's okay." I smiled. Then I saw my parents car pull up in front of the school. "I gotta go, my moms are here. It was nice meeting you, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

   I left and walked to my moms and thy each gave me a big hug as if we haven't seen eachother for days.

   "How was school, Soonyoung?" Dad asked.

   "You know I was only there for like an hour." I laughed.

   "Yeah, but we can't stand being. Away from you for so long." Mom chimed in.

   "Okay, mom." I smiled and got into the car noticing that my little brother and sister were not in their car seats. "Where's Youngjin and Minsun?"

   "They're at home." Dad answered as she drove.

   "With who?" I wondered.

   "With your aunts." Mom replied.

   "Nayeon and Jeongyeon are at home? Yayy!" I cheered, my aunts wanted me to call them by their first name.

   When we got home I ran and hugged Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

"Hey, Soonyoung!" Jeongyeon beamed.

"Heyy!" I chorused.

"How are you?" Nayeon asked. "How do you like Korea?"

"I'm great! And I love it even though I've only been here for a couple hours."

"Aw that's great kid." Jeongyeon patted my head.

"You know I'm 17, not 10 anymore, right?" I chuckled.

"Oh whatever." Nayeon giggled.

We had a family dinner and talked before they went back home.

After I got ready for bed and fixed up my room, I went to check up on my 7yr old twin siblings to find that they were fast asleep in the room that thy shared. Then I went to the master bedroom.

"You are the best moms ever, you know that?" I smiled creaking open the door to find my parents sitting in their bed. "Good night! See you in the morning."

I walked down the hall back to my room but something tugged at my shirt.

"Youngjin," I said turning around. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared of the dark." He murmured. "Can I sleep with you?"

"Of course."

I picked him up and brought him to my bed. He cuddle up next to me and fell asleep instantly. I wrapped my arms around my little brother. For some reason it felt really familiar.

I had no idea how to end this chapter.

I just realized something. Jihoon and Soonyoung are supposed to be a yet apart. So Soonyoung is supposed to be in Grade 12 while Jihoon is in Grade 11. Oh well, just imagine that he was put in the Grade 11 classes instead of 12. Or just think whatever you want. I dunno. That's okay. Just enjoy the story though. Lol.

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