|| Fourteen ||

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Seungcheol's POV

   I woke up to find Jeonghan asleep on my shoulder. The kids all fell asleep and I got too tired to wake them up to go back to the house. So we all fell asleep after watching the sunset.

   I took my phone out and checked the time. It was 10:10pm. We'd been here for about 2 hours already.

   "Jeonghan." I gently shook my wife awake. "Let's go back to the house."

   He started to wake up and rub his eyes.

   "Where are we again?" He wondered.

   "Remember we went to see the sunset."

   "Oh right. Okay." He said.

   "You're so cute when you're too tired to process." 

   "Hmm?" Jeonghan replied.

   I pecked him in the lips then stood up to get our kids into our rental van to get back to the house.

   Chan was closest to me so I walked over to him.

   "Chan." I said trying to wake him.

   "KIDS WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!" Jeonghan yelled, clapping his hands loudly.

   "Okay..I guess we're not gonna wake them up slowly." I laughed.

   The kids started to get up.

   "What are..where...what is this place?" Seokmin said.

   "Just get in the car so we can get back to the house." Jisoo said pushing Seokmin through the open car door.

   "Nooo, I'm tired! Let me sleep!" Minghao whined when Jun attempted to get him up.

   Jun just picked him up and brought him into the car.

   "Dad, can you carry me to the car?" Seungkwan asked me, still laying on the ground.

   "Sure." I said picking him up. I set him down next to a sleeping Vernon in the car. He immediately wrapped his arms around Seungkwan and drifted off to sleep together.

  "Can you carry me too dad??" Mingyu sacked with his arms stretched out in front of him.

   "Why can't you just walk by yourself?" Wonwoo sassed. "Your the tallest kid too, you can't expect dad to carry you."

   "Fine." Mingyu gave in and got into the car with his brother.

   "Okay, head count!" Jeonghan announced once I got into the drivers seat.

   "One" Jisoo called.

   "Two." Jun said quietly then resting his head on Minghao's shoulder and falling asleep.

   I waited for Soonyoung to say something but it was silence.

   "Soonyoung?" Jeonghan turned his head.

   "Where's Soonyoung?" I asked the kids.

   "We don't know." They said simultaneously.

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