|| Four ||

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**Four Years Ago**

Soonyoung's POV

"It's time to go!" Dad yelled from the doorway. Some of the kids were just in the living room zipping up their bags while the rest were coming down the stairs with their bags in hand. "Okay, everyone in the van!"

Everyone pushed through to the door and took a seat in the van. Mom was still helping 3y.o Chan put on his shoes and dad was putting camping supplies in the back of the van. I started walking toward the door but I saw little jihoon struggling to close his bag. I put my bag down by the door and went over to help him.

"Here let me help you, Jihoonie." I offered, reaching out my hands to zip up his bag.

He smacked my hand out of the way.

"No, I can do it." He said trying to move the jammed zipper.

I watched him and giggled.

"Okay, my turn." I got the bag to close and patted Jihoon's head.

"I could've done that." He pouted.

He looked so cute.

"Hoshi! Woozi! Come on let's go." Jeong mom called as he walked out the door with Chan.

Oh yeah, sometimes our parents would call us by our nicknames. My nickname is Hoshi because my family says that I kind of look Japanese. And in Japanese "Hoshi" means star so mom and dad call me that because they say I am their little star. They have Jihoon the nickname Woozi because he's creative and always has ideas. They usually only call me and Jihoon by our nicknames. I'm not sure why, but some of my other brothers have nicknames as well. Chan is Dino, Minghao is The8 because he was one of the two sons born in China and 8 is a lucky number there, and then there is Seokmin who's nickname is Dokyeom or DK.

Jihoon picked up his bag which looked like it was bigger than him and the weight of it made him lose his balance and he fell to the floor.

"Aw my poor Jihoon." I helped him up and took his bag. "Come."

He followed shyly behind me. I got my bag too and we walked out the front door.

Mom put Chan into his car seat then sat in the front seat and dad went to go lock the front door.

   Jihoon was so small and he was having trouble climbing into the van.

   I smiled and helped him and he sat down then I climbed in beside him and closed the door.

   "Everyone here?" Mom said turning around.

   Dad got into the front seat.

   "Head count." He announced.

   "One." Jisoo called.

   "Two." Jun said.

   "Threeeee!" I yelled.

   "Four." Wonwoo spoke.

   "Fi-" Jihoon sneezed before he could finish and we all started laughing. It's adorable that he hates doing aegyo but still does it all the time. "I mean, Five."

   "Six!" Seokmin shouted.

   "Seven." Mingyu called out.

   "Eight!" Minghao announced. Which is funny because his nickname is "The8".

   "Nine." Seungkwan bubbled.

"Ten." Vernon chimed in.

"Eleven!!" Chan said at last.

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