|| Thirteen ||

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Jihoon's POV

The family sat down facing the sunset. It was starting to get dark and the skywars began to change colours from orange and yellow to purple and dark blue. The wind blew and was getting chilly so I sat next to Soonyoung and snuggled into his chest for warmth. I could hear his heart beating. He wrapped me in his arms then kissed my head. I felt comfortable and warm in his touch.

"I love you.." I heard him whisper. I smiled and drifted off to sleep with the image of a gorgeous sunset being the last thing I saw.

I woke up shivering from the cold, my head resting on Soonyoung's lap. It looked like the whole family fell asleep and everyone looked so peaceful.

I looked up to see that Soonyoung was still awake, staring at the stars.

"H-Hyung.." I sat up stretching and teeth chattering. "Did you fall asleep t-too?"

"Yeah, I just woke up." He replied. "Are you cold? 'Cause you're shivering."

"I-I'm okay."

"No, if you're cold, just tell me." Soonyoung said taking off his sweater.

"Won't you be cold?" I asked.

"No, I'm starting to sweat in this sweater. I'm fine." He told me and handed me the sweater we just bought. "Here."

"Okay. Thanks hyung." I took the sweater and stood up to put it on.

"It's so big on you!" Soonyoung giggled.

I looked down and saw that the sweater went past my knees.

"Ah, short people problems." I sighed.

"I like it, it's cute." He pulled me towards him so I sat on his lap. "You can keep it if you want. It looks better on you than me."

"But it's too big on me." I said and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"You'll grow into it." He kissed the top of my head.

We were looking at the stars with a comfortable silence. Except for Mingyu's loud snores.

I heard something move in the forest behind us and I jerked my head in that direction.

"What's wrong?" Soonyoung asked.

"I heard something.."I replied slowly standing up. "In the forest."

"Well, don't go look at it!" He whispered loudly.

"Why not?"

"That's like a typical horror movie." He stood up. "You know how horror movie characters always go investigate then they die? Don't be that character."

"But-" I got cut off when I heard movement behind me.

I spun around and looked into the darkness of the woods.

"What are you looking at?" Soonyoung asked.

"I thought I saw something.." I said not taking my eyes off of the forest.

I saw a small white puppy limp out of the woods. It was whimpering and lifting up one paw that was probably broken. The poor puppy looked like she was in so much pain.

"Soonyoung!" I whispered yelled. "We have to help her!"

We carefully approached the poor animal. She flinched and looked at us with scared eyes.

"Sh..it's okay..we're going to help you." I comforted.

I slowly reach out my hand but she winced and sprinted off into the woods.

"What if she get more hurt, Soonyoung. I'm going after her." I said before running off into the woods.

"Wait, Jihoon!" He called then came running behind me.

I whistled and looked everywhere. The only source of light came from the moon shining through the trees.

I heard whimpering a few feet away and walked toward the sound as quietly as possibly. It was difficult to see and I tripped over a tree root that was sticking out of the ground.

"Ow.." I winced as I carefully touched my knee to find blood.

"Jihoon, are you okay???" Soonyoung asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He helped me up. "We have to find the puppy."

"Look." Soonyoung pointed to the white puppy.

Her leg was stuck in thick mud and she struggled to get up. Her broken paw still up in the air as she wiggles to get free.

We went up to her and Soonyoung carefully pulled her out and set her on the ground.

It seemed for a moment that she trusted us but ran in the other direction.

"Ah, not again." I sighed. "I really don't want her to get hurt!"

I went after her. She reached a road that ran through the woods and looked really tired. She stopped on the road and stared down the steep hill on the other side then turned to face me.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I said, slowly walking up to her. "I want to help you."

The puppy limped toward me and I knelt down to let her sniff my hand so she knew that she could trust me. I carefully picked her up and it seemed like she was finally comfortable with me.

"Hyung, look, she likes me now." I said.

"JIHOON!!!!" I heard him yell before pushing me off the road.

It was the last thing I heard before I tumbled down the slope and hit my head hit a tree then blacked out.

Hopefully you like his chapter. :))
820 words!
Not too long and not too short right?
I dunno if it's good. But I'm tried.

What is your favourite kpop song?

Right now, I have to say mine is "Shoot Me Before You Go", I am obsessed with that song. Cuz Howoo/Soonhoon/Hozi is my otp, plus I love Soonyoung rapping and Jihoon's singing.

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