Chapter 4; We Should Celebrate.

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The next morning, i woke up with the same huge smile i went to sleep with. And if that wasn't enough, first thing i did when i woke up was check my phone, and received the most lovely message from Nathan.

*Babe, i can't explain how happy you made me last night, it truly was a magical moment between us, i knew from the start we had a special connection, and i'm so happy we're together now, and now that we are together, i won't let anybody or anything come between us.

I love you with all my heart.

Nathan xxx*

Gosh, i don't think I could be any happier right now. I'm glad Jade finally made me see sense in all this! I guess love doesn't hate me afterall. But, on the other hand, i'd better call Jade and tell her how perfect last night was.

"Megan, i've been waiting for your call! how was it last night? You didn't freak out did you?!"

"Jade, calm down, everything went.. perfect."

"Perfect aye? wow, he really made the effort then aye?"

"He really did."

"Aw. Where did you end up going in the end?" she asked

"He took me down to the beach." 

 "Oh, did he now? and how romantic did that turn out for you?"

"Alot more romantic then i'd expected it to be, i mean yeah we were only out for a little while, but in that short time we were out together, he managed to somehow make them the best moments of my life!" i explained.

"Well, i'm glad, i'm actually really happy for both of you, and i hope this one works out for you, cause i've been there your whole life and i've seen you get hurt over and over again, so Nathan better be careful with you.

"I know, i really hope this works out too, but i don't wanna sit here worrying all the time, i'm just going to go with the flow."

"Hey, you know what, we should all go out to celebrate!" Jade exclaimed.

"I agree!" i agreed.

"Let's make this official then! Hmm, i suppose we'd need the guys to be with us when arranging this. Is Nath there with you?" she asked.

"No, is Jay with you?"

"Not at the minute no. But i'll call up Jay and you call Nathan and tell him to be at your place later and Jay and I'll drop by later to discuss it then."

"I'm on it" i replied

"See you later then."

Jade hung up.

I can't get over what's happened over the last week, i mean not just with me and Nathan, but Jade and Jay too! I never thought i'd say this but, i think we may have found our soulmates! But, i'm not going to be too forward with that yet, like I said, i'm just going to go with the flow and take everyday as it comes, and hopefully things will turn out for the best for us all.

I picked my phone back up and sent Nathan a text.

*Hey babe, Jade and I have decided you, me her and Jay should all go out soon to celebrate, you up for it? I love you xx*

At the same time, Jade had sent out her message to Jay.

*Babe, you fancy going out soon with Megan and Nathan? I feel the need for the four of us to celebrate? I love you xxx*

I anxiously waited for a message to pop up on my phone. But I got no reply.

Suddenly, my phone lit up -1 New Message-

Yes, Nathan had finally text me back! I went into my inbox, and Jae's name was above the message, darn, just when I thought it was Nathan.

*Jay said he's up for a night out. You heard off Nathan yet?*

I didn't text back as I was still wating for a reply from Nathan. Suddenly my phone lit up again

-1 New Message-

I went back into my inbox, Nathan. YES! I clicked on the text and read through.

*Sounds great babe, let me know when we're doing this. I love you xxx*

Phew! for a minute there, I thought he would never text back! I've never paniced so much in my life! I really do need to pull my self together and man up, I can't go on stressing about every little thing forever!

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