Chapter 6; Pursuing My Dreams

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Jade Pov.

Okay, so I have a confession to make. 6 months ago, I signed up to join the Army. However, Megan is the only one who knows about this, only because she's my best friend and i had nowhere else to turn, no one else to tell who would understand. I would tell Jay, but i'm scared, i don't want him to think bad of me, or think i'm not in love with him and going in the Army is the only way I could get out of our relationship, cause that's not true. I'm only going out there cause ever since I was a little girl, my parents would show me clips of many wars, and even though I was only young at the time, the blood and gore never seemed to bother me, infact i was quite intruiged by it. So, from that day, I decided I would make a career out of it. Yes, Jay knows this as during our second week together, we discussed our dreams with each other, he said he wanted to be a dancer, or in a band, and i want to be a soldier. He became successful, so now it's my turn.

During the past 6 months, I had signed up for the Army, Jay doesn't know about this yet, but by tonight he will, I just hope he's not too dissappointed in me not telling him, but I didn't want him being upset and trying to persuade me not to go, cause he couldn't change my mind no matter how much he tried, i'm persuing my dreams, and as much as I love him and wish I could stay here with him. This is what I want out of life. I've been through immense training the past 6 months, and I like to think i'm more than prepared to go out and fight.

I've invited Megan and Nathan round later to discuss with them my departure to Iraq tomorrow. Yes, I eventually heard from the Corpral, and I got in. I'm quite excited actually. My only worry is how Jay will take it, Megan knows, but she doesn't know about my departure, and Nathan, well I wouldn't have thought she'd have told him, but he'll soon find out too. I'm actually glad Nathan's here with Megan, because when i'm gone, the only contact me and Megan are going to have is a few monthly letters, which i think is completely shit. When I first spoke to her about all this, she actually attempted to persuade me not to go, but at the end of the day, she knows she can't change my mind, and she understands me wanting to persue my dreams.

It had just gone 7pm, so Megan and Nathan should be arriving any minute. I'm actually quite nervous about telling them, there will be a few tears between Megan and I, but like I said before, I know what I want, and i'm going out there to get it. It's just Jay...

I sat on the couch and looked out the window, waiting for Nathan's car to appear outside. About 10 minutes later, they were here.

*Knock, knock*

I went to answer the door and greeted them in. Megan and I exchanged a few looks as she walked past me, a look of sorrow in her eyes as she knows why I called them here, and because she didn't want me to go. Jay had just walked in the room, he's been out all day, and I've been out for a long walk, soaking up all the views around here before I leave, just so if I get homesick, at least I have the sights in the back of my mind to remember.

Everyone sat down in the kitchen as Jay set down 4 coffee's, on the table. he walked over to me smiling as he kissed me softly, as we walked back in the kitchen together.

"So, what did you want to talk about babe?2 asked Jay.

"Well, I have something very important to tell you all." i replied nervously. I actually felt sick at this point.

"What is it?" Jay asked.

"Well.." i said, as i turned to Megan. We exchanged the same look as when she walked in the house. I saw her eyes begin to tear up, as she put her head down on the table. So Nathan took her into the living room to comfort her. I knew he'd ask what was up, so she's tell him. But she doesn't know i'm being departed tomorrow, so i needed her in here with Jay and I so I could tell them together..

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