Chapter 12; I Can't Forget, But I'm Slowly Letting Go.

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*5 Months Later*

I never thought i'd say this, but over the past few months, Jay and I  have learnt to cope with the tragedy which struck our lives. Today, i'm going out with Nereesha, Kelsey and Michelle to go and find a wedding dress as Nathan and I are getting married next month. I know i've left it until last minute, but all this with Jade just caught me a bit off guard, and I was still learning to cope with it all..

Michelle drove us all to the local dress shop in town, the best dresses are done here :) I'm so glad I have female friends I could do this with, cause male friends coming dress shopping would just be awkward, well in my opinion it would be. Anyway, we entered the shop, Michelle was in one part of the shop, Kelsey was in another, Nereesha was in another, and I was just wandering around skimming through.

Kelsey found a few dresses, which were really nice but I wasn't too keen on them. Michelle found a few, which were also nice, but i wasn't too keen on those either. Nereesha found a few, i wasn't too keen on, until, her and I set eyes on the same dress, Nereesha pulled it off the rack.. That was it! That was definately MY dress! I went in the back to try it on.. I looked in the mirror, i was gobsmacked! I just needed the girls opinions.. I walked out the curtain and I was greeted by the girls gasps.

"Megan! You look.. Just. Incredible!" Nereesha exclaimed.

"Aw, you really think so?" i asked

"Absoloutely!" she exclaimed again. "Now i've seen the dress, I know the perfect shoes i can design for you!"

"You don't have to do that" i said.

"I insist" she said. I smiled.

"Megan, Nathan better watch he doesn't have a heart attack on the isle, cause you look stunning!" Kelsey exclaimed. I giggled a little and blushed

"Thanks Kelsey!" i said excitedly.

"I have no words to describe how great you look in that dress Megan! I think these 2 summed it up for me! But if i were to combine what they said... Then.. You just look beautiful if i'm honest, Nathan is one lucky guy" said Michelle.

I felt on top of the world right now, i had great girl friends here to support me and choose my wedding dress, I have a great friend in Jay as we're both feeling pain right now, all this with Jade, and I have Nathan who's always there for me no matter what happens, i'm really surprised he's managed to put up with me through this time, with how bad i first took it.. But honestly, i think i've took this all so well i've actually started to forget. But Jade's always going to be there. I take off this dress and asked the woman behind the till to keep it in the back and i'll pay when i get my next cheque.

On the way home i suggest we should all go out tonight, the girls agree and say I need a good night out as things have been so tough lately. We parked outside my house, i told them i'd let them know what time we're going out later, as i get out the car and wave the girls off. I walk in the house to find Jay on the couch.

"You alright Jay?" i asked

"Fine." he said "So, how was your day, did you find a dress?" he asked.

"Sure did, it's perfect! Just hope Nathan think sthe same" i said

"Believe me Megan, he loves you more then anything he'll think you look perfect in whatever you decided to get married in." he explains.

"Aw, thanks Jay" i smiled, he smiled back. I went over and sat next to him on the couch. " Can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Sure" i replied.

"Listen, i've been thinking and I think i'm alright now, you know all this with Jade, and i'm thinking of moving out?" he says.

"Jay, that's fine, if you know you can cope with this and your ready to move on, then go ahead, i'm not going to stop you. Honestly, this will be good for you, you can finally start over, well we both can." i explained. He smiled.

"I'll be going tomorrow, that okay?"

"Of course!" i said.

"Thankyou for letting me stay here, i don't what i would have done if Nathan had never found me in my old house and i hadn't stopped here all this time." he said.

"It was no trouble, I think it's actually been good for us as we've both come together and pulled each other up from this crisis." i explained. "Anyway, going off subject do you fancy coming out tonight?" i asked

"Um, yeah sure, i suppose we both need a good night out." 

We all arrive at the club at 7pm, and we all get a few drinks in and have a long chat when Jay excuses himself for a while.. But he doesn't return. Where could he have gone? We stayed out until 1 am before calling it a night as most of us were kinda wasted, especially me and Nathan. So Siva and Nareesha ended up taking us home, and because we're that wasted we didn't really know what we're doing, and we end up having sex;).

The next morning, i wake up and see I have a missed call from Nareesha. As soon as i saw the missed call, i called her back and she reminded me that me, her, Kelsey and Michelle were leaving today for 2 weeks before mine and Nathan's wedding which i completely forgot about. I woke Nathan up and told him i had to leave soon as the girls were on their way to get me. I quickly got changed and said goodbye to Nathan as the girls pulled up outside.

"I shall see you in 2 weeks then, Mrs.Sykes." Nath winked.


It's been 5 days since I left Nathan for 2 weeks, and 2 days ago I began to feel really ill, i got regular headaches and stomach cramps, worst of all i wouldn't stop vomitting. I'm so confused on what's happening, surely this doesn't just come naturally? Maybe I should speak to the girls.

"Girls, i need to talk to you." i said

"What's wrong hunnie?" asked Kelsey.

"Well, i don't know what's happening with me lately, but i feel really ill and not myself?"

"Maybe we should take you to see your doctor?" Nareesha suggested. I nodded as she took me to the doctor's.

We finally arrived at the doctors and i was so worried at what the doctors may diagnose me with.. But i had to know what was happening to me. The doctor inspected me but couldn't quite figure out what it was, so they took a few tests to find out. He tells me that they will get the results within the next 24-48 hours, so he will send the results to me. As soon as i get back to the apartment, my stomach begins to tighten and i start to heave, and i vomit outside as Kelsey and Michelle come outside.

"What did the doctor say?" asked Michelle

"Nothing really, he said he couldn't figure out what it is, so he took a few tests and he said he'll send them to me within the next 24-48 hours." i replied.

"What if they don't find anything?" she asked.

"I don't know, but there has to be something wrong, i mean feeling like this doesn't just come naturally. Does it?"

"Suppose it could, maybe your just feeling the effects from last night?" Kelsey suggests

"Proberbly, but i've felt like this for a few days now." i said slowly.

"Well, how long have you felt like this?" Nareesha asked.

"About 2 days after i left Nathan to come here." i said.

The girls exchanged some looks, and looked at me with a confused expression of their faces, but with some sort idea what it could be.

"Well, what happened before you left Nathan?" asked Kelsey.

I was just about to say we had sex, when it finally hit me. We had sex! I gasped quietly to myself as i felt my stomach.

"Hey, um could you take me up to the pharmacy, i need to pick up a few things?" i asked.

"Sure, i'll take you." said Kelsey. 

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