Chapter 20; Memorial Day.

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Megan Pov.

Looks like i'm alone today. I woke up this morning and Nathan was gone, luckily he left a not on the kitchen table.

'Babe, i don;t know if you remember me saying before, but i've gone to the United and City game today with Max. i'm so sorry i can;t come to the memorial thing today, i completely forgot about it. I'll make it up to you for missing it as I know this is a big deal for you today. Hope your okay, and i'll see you later. I love you.

Nath xxxx'

Oh yeah, i forgot Nathan was going to the game today. Well at least i'm not going to be alone today as Jay's coming, I know he;s not exactly my favourite person right now, but there's no one else who feels the same was as me really, and i think Jay and I should sort things out.. No doubt he'll bring his girlfriend, I really hope he doesn't I can't be dealing with her, she's become was to controlive over Jay and is way too clingy! I hope if she is there, she just gets jealous and leaves. There was a knock at the door, so i went to get it, there was Jay.. and Melissa. We stop off at this flower and and Jay and I pick out this beautiful bunch of bright red roses to put down for her.

We get to the cemetery, where the plaque was with all the soldiers names on, i tried to hold in my tears, but it never worked, and neither did it work for Jay, this is one place neither of us ever wanted to end up. But here we are. I set the flowers down by the plaque and had a little sob as Jay hugged me. Melissa was motionless, how could she not even feel the slightest emotions at a place like this? Jay and I took one last look at the plaque before we dragged each other away, otherwise we'd be there all day. We got in the car and drove to the local cafe.

"Here we are." i said. Jay sighed

"Yeah, out of all places I could be today, why did it have to be a cemetery?" he replied.

"We did it fo her Jay, ans she's looking down on us right now and she has a hugs smile on her face, cause we showed up here today." I smiled, he smiled back.

"Yeah I guess your right, she'll be proud of us, right?" he asked.

"Of course she will be." i replied.

"I still remember when we first met, you know in nursery. Well, we've been best friends proberbly since we were born" he said.

"it's been that long, aye?" i asked

"Yeah. Where does the time go?" he said.

"I know, it all just passes you by so sudden." i replied.

"You know, when I left the UK with my parents, all i could ever think about was Jade, i longed for the day i'd see her again. IF I ever saw her again, she was the only one I ever truly loved.."

"WHAT?!" yelled Melissa

"What, Melissa? you've been silent this whole time, and it only took that for you to throw a fit." he shot at her.

"Don't talk to me in that tone Jay!" she spat back at him as she got up in a strop and stormed out the Cafe.

"You don't need her Jay." I said.

"I know."

"So, why are you with her?" i asked.

"I don't even know, i suppose it just happened somehow, and i was so upset about Jade, and yeah i had learnt to cope with it, but I just ended up seeing Melissa, and I guess we just somehow enede up together.." he said

"Oh, right okay."

"Can I tell you a secret?" he asks

"Yeah sure." i replied.

"I don't really love Melissa, I don't think i ever have." he said.

"What? So why are you still with her?!" I asked

"Cause, she's controlive, she won't let me be independant, she threatens me if i go to break up with her, she hits me for no reason, she's just abusive to me." he explained. I looked at him in shock.

"Jay, why havent you told anyone about this?" i asked.

"Cause she threatens to kill me if i grass her in to the cops." he said.

"Well, it's only fair she should be locked up, for threatens, abuse, and blackmail! You really need to do something about her Jay, you can't go on like this. Admit it, she makes you feel like shit."

"Yeah she does, and honestly i can understand why you hate her so much, even from that first look you took at the wedding party, and i'm really sorry about ruining your night by the way, i never meant to." he said.

"It's okay, the past is the past, what's done is done, let's just look to the future, yeah?" i said. He nodded.

"Do you wanna go now?" he asked.

"Yeah, come on." i said as we got in the car and drove back to my place. "You know, i'm surprised Melissa didn't go off with your car." i said,

"I know yeah, but I had the car keys so she wouldn't get very far." he joked.

"I take it your staying for a bit then?"

"Yeah why not." he said.

 We walked in to find Max and Nath on the couch talking about the game.

"Ah your back? I wouldn't have thought the game would have finished yet." i said

 "Yeah, you were just out longer then you thought." Nath replied. 

"So, how was your day?" i asked.

"It was pretty good, i suppse none of us can boast as the game ended 2 all.. How was your day?" he asked.

"It was, okay.." i replied.

"Was it alright for you to go there?" Nath asked.

"Yeah, i wasn't too bad, and neither was Jay really." i replied

"Glad to hear it" Nath replied as he came over to Jay and I and hugged us both. "I'm proud of you both." We all exchanged smiles.

"Hey, was melissa with you guys?" asked Max

"Well, she was, but she went off in a strop just cause i was talking about my childhood with Jade." Jay replied.

"She got jealous over your childhood?" asked Max

"Pretty much yeah." Jay replied.

"OMG, dude you gotta do something about her, she;s not right for you, nor is she right in the head. There's just something wrong with that chick." said Max. i'm glad Max finally caught on, now he knows how I feel. 

Eventually Max and Jay leave, Max had to get back to Michelle and Jay well, he had to look for Melissa since she walked off earlier..

"I'm glad you and Jay are close again." said Nath.

"Yeah, me too, don't think i could have done this without him" i replied as he smiled at me. 

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