Chapter 15; She Needs To Know.

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Nathan Pov.

I woke up the next morning with such a headache. Great, i'm hungover, but it's a sign i've had a good night out, which is exactly what i wanted! I just hope Megan's okay and i really wish she was here with me right now, i hate waking up on my own, knowing she's not next to me.. But I suppose i know how she feels when i'm not next to her in a morning. It's times like these I wish we were getting married today, I miss her so much, can't stand being away from her for so long, but if i think 2 weeks are bad, how will i be able to cope when i'm on tour?

I went to take a shower and got dressed and went downstairs to make myself breakfast. I hate this, having to do ALL the women's work around here whilst Megan's away. I walked past the fridge to see a letter stuck on there, i looked at it but walked away as my head began to hurt so i got myself some paracetomol. I looked back at the letter on the fridge and read it with my hand on my aching head. I took my hand away from my head as i read through the letter. Shit, it was the one from the doctor, I just realised i said i'd call Megan today and tell her about the pregnancy! Oh god, I just remembered she had her Hen party last night.. I hope she didn't drink too much.

Kelsey Pov.

I can honestly say all of us had a great night last night, and from what i remember we were all kinda wasted in our own ways. I'm glad we managed to convince Megan to have a good night, but I just hope she didn't take advantage of the alcohol as she may be pregnant, and she wouldn't really listen to us last night when we told her to take it easy and not to have too much to drink, just incase.. Suddenly, i heard a phone ringing and as i was the only one awake I had to sneek into Michelle and Nareesha's room to check if it was their phones, but it wasn't theirs, and i knew it wasn't mine. So i crept into Megan's room to see Nathan's called ID. I took the charger out the phone and quickly went out the room to answer the phone.


"Megan? Nath said quickly

"No, it's Kelsey, Meg's still sleeping, you alright Nath?" i asked.

"Oh, is she alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's fine why?"

"Oh that's good then, um when she wakes up could you get her to call me back? I really need to talk to her, it's urgent." he said.

"Oh, what about?" i asked.

"Oh, um, nothing important, I just wanted to check up on her cause i just miss her. That's all.." he said.

"Aw, how sweet of you. Yeah, i'll tell her you called when she wakes up" i said.

"Okay, thanks." he replied.

"Was there anything else you wanted, or?" i asked

"No, that's it, just get her to call me, yeah?" he said.

"Will do Nath, no worries." i replied.

"Okay, thanks, see you soon." he said.

"Bye." i said as i hung up.

That was weird i thought to myself as i put Megan's phone back in her room. I went downstairs and sat on the couch, and began to think. Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked back to find Nareesha and Michelle on the stairs.

"You alright Kels?" asked Michelle

"Yeah, i'm fine." i replied.

"Who was that you were talking to?" she asked.

"Oh, it was Nathan, he called Megan so i answered her phone as she's still asleep and i didn't want her to be woken up." i said

"Oh, what did he want?" Nareesha asked

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