seme! Jonathan Byers x uke! male reader

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Jonathan's POV
"Then we'll just have to destroy his toy~" Steve said as he took my presius camera out.
"No please... not the camera" I tried walking forward to grab it but some guy pushed me back.
"Fine.. here" Steve stretched out his arm with the camera for me to take, but before I could get it back.. he dropped it on the ground, smashing it into little pieces. I wanted to break down crying so bad... but I didn't... photos were my only escape from reality. They decided to look through my bag again, properly to see if I had any other photos of them...
"Oh well what do we have here?" Steve pulled out some pictures of (Y/N) I had a huge crush on him, I was hoping that he wouldn't find them.
"You stalk him too?" He asked with a grin before throwing the pictures at my face.
"Hey!" I heard someone yell behind me so I looked back to see (Y/N) standing there looking furious.
"Leave him alone, assholes!" He walked over to me looking at Steve and his friends, they chucked and left. He Bend down and helped me picking up the pieces of what was once a perfect camera. I tried my best to hide the photos of him but sadly he already knew.
"I already saw the pictures you had taken of me..." he said moving some hair behind his ear.
"O-oh..... sorry..." I was so embarrassed I wanted to cry, I loved (Y/N) and a brutal regetsion was the last thing I needed with Will and everything going on. I just looked away packing the bits and pieces back into my backpack and hurrying away despite (Y/N) calling my name. When I got home I went straight to my room since my mom was sleeping on a chair with a the phone in her lap. I turned on the music loud enough to drain out my cries. I didn't wanna wake mom... but I certainly didn't want her to hear me cry. I was heartbroken. I had been crying for an hour.. just non stop tears streaming from my eyes. My cries had died down to sniffles and lumps in my throat, I walked into the kitchen to grab some paper to blow my nose with. Mom was still sleeping, she most really have needed it. I hear a knock on my door, hesitant I opened the door, my eyes red and puffy from the hour long non stop tears. It... it was (Y/N)... I looked at him with dreamy eyes... I still loved (Y/N) so so much.
"Hey..." he said figeting with a box he had in his hands.
"hi.." I said following a sniff.
"I... I got you something.." he stretched out his arms and gave me the box. I invited him inside, (Y/N) walked in looking around the house, eyes landing on my mom who was still out cold. We walked into my room and sat on my bed, I slowly unwrapped the gift.... it was a camera.. it was a beautiful dark blue with a yellow rim around the lence. I examined it closely and looked overwhelmed.
"It was my grandpa's... he passed away many years ago and gave me his old camera... he said that I would need it in the future.. I never got into photography so it was just laying in my drawer and i thought you would appreciate it more than I have.." he looked at the ground before looking back at me... tears filled my eyes once again as i wrapped my arms around him. (Y/N) wrapped his arms around me too as I cried on his shoulder, I felt so safe in (Y/N)'s arms. He stroked my hair and shushed me, rocking back and forward to calm me down. I removed my head from his neck and looked at him. (Y/N) brought his hands to my face, moving some tear stanied hair out of my face to he could get a better view at my eyes. I took the chance and leaned forward capturing him in a kiss. He Kisses me back instantly which filled me with joy. I backed away because of the lack of air between us. I rested my forehead on his.
"I love you, (Y/N)"
"I love you too, Jonathan"

Hi guys, long time no see. I'm so happy to be back writing, I just started watching stranger things and I instantly fell in love with Jonathan. We're just so alike with both of us being extremely shy, never saying anything, extremely socially awkward, ect. Well I'll be more active with this but I'm properly not gonna do as much anime related as I used to since I have lost a bit of my intrist in anime. Well I hope you like this little one shot that I made^^

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