alfie solomons x male reader

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(Y/N) woke up that morning to the sound of his lovely partner puking his guts out in the bathroom. He stood up, rubbing his eyes as he walked towards the bathroom.
He looked in, locking eyes with his boyfriend who was leaned over the toilet.
Alfie quickly shut the door and locked it. (Y/N) took it as a sign to give him a few minutes so he walked downstairs to fetch Alfie some water.

(Y/N) walked back up and knocked on the door.

"Honey, are you okay in there?"

"Yeah yeha sweetheart, just- mmh! Just give me a minute or ten"

"Alfie open the door and let me help you"

"I'm fine I can handle this on my o-"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence before his stomach was coming back for round two. (Y/N) had grown annoyed and concerned, he knew that Alfie was too proud to ever open the door so he did what any logical man whose boyfriend is puking his insides out and picked the bathroom doors lock.

He opened the door to see Alfie, shirtless, pale and on his knees over the toilet. (Y/N) rushed to his side, putting a hand on his sweaty forehead, he was burning up.

"Hun you're burning up"

"No, no mate you got it all wrong, I just had a bit too much to drink last night"

"Horseshit, you don't get a fever from drinking. You're staying home"

"Over my dead fucking body"

"If you go to work you'll be dead by the end of the first hour"

Alfie knew that there were no stopping, when (Y/N) had set his mind to something, it was no use fighting.

"Then fucking phone Ollie"

"First, let's get you to bed big guy"

Alfie's arm was slung over the shorter male as he stood up, slowly walking to the bad. (Y/N) tucked him in under the covers, much to his boyfriend's dismay.

"I'm a fucking gangsta and I'm being babyed"

"A gangsta is no use when he can't stand on his own, so shut the hell up and I'll make you some tea"

Alfie phoned Ollie, telling him that he was in charge for the day, laid back in his bed and sulked over not being able to go to work.

"Here you go honey"
(Y/N) said putting down a cup of tea besides him and climing in bed with his big, stubborn man.

(Y/N) laid an arm around Alfie and pulled his head down towards his chest for Alfie to lay.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Alfie asked earning a groan and a slap upside the head.

"Stop being a bitch and just lay down"

Alfie had laid his head down and was relaxing while (Y/N) stroked his hair.

"You know this is actually pretty nice, I could get used to this"
Alfie said placing a hand on his boyfriend's inner thigh, nothing sexual, just for the warmth.

(Y/N) kissed the top of alfie's head and snickered.

"I always knew you were a big softie"

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