seme! Victor Criss X uke! male reader

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Victor's POV

I was helping Henry beat up the losers, as I looked to my left I saw the boy of my dreams giving me a disgusting look. He was talking with her friends when he turned to me. I stopped whatever I was doing and looked at the ground, I was embarrassed that he saw me like that. His friend was probably telling him to stay the hell away from me, and I understood why. I pushes my hair back and gave him a sexy smirk as I tried my best to flex my arm as I drove my hand through my hair, a small blush appeared on his fave before he turned away. I turned back to Henry to be met with Patrick with a shiteating grin.
"Oh~ Criss got himself a man~" he teased a bit too loud for my liking, so loud that (Y/N) turned around and looked me straight in the eyes.
"Patrick shut the fuck up or I will knock your damn teeth out!" I threatened, he just laughed and looked at me like I was joking.
"I would like to see you try, Faggot~~" he said getting all up in my business as Patrick so often did, I shoved him away as I stormed off into the woods. I knew that I wasn't scary but why did he have to embarrass me in front of everyone.... even in from of (Y/N).... I sat with my head burried in my knees when I felt a hand on my shoulder making my shot up to see who it was... it was (Y/N)...
"Hey are you Okay?" he asked kneeling down holding my knees in both his hands..
"Yeah..." I looked him in the eyes.
"I think your strong... Victor.." he looked at the ground before I grabbed his chin lightly and pressed my lips against his softly, he kissed back instantly. We held the kiss until we could breathe and we had to sepreade, he rested his forehead against mine.
"I love you, Victor"
"I love you too, (Y/N)"

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