Maxwell did what?

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 Dream Daddy; Brian x Male!Reader. So Maxwell is a father now... ok so old Maxwell isn't old in this story.  Your dog's name is Sydney. I'm also not as familiar with Brian as I should be since I've only watched Markiplier's play through 'cause I don't have enough money to buy it myself. I came up with this in the middle of science class and thought it was a good idea. Kind of sad so yeah. 

Trigger Warning: mentions of death, both animal and human

Key: Y/N: your name L/N: last name (Bolded words): me talking.

Y/N's point of view

Today was not a good day. Let me start from the beginning. This morning, Amanda woke me up with her screaming "OMG WHAT'S WRONG WITH SYDNEY?" My dad instincts were kicking in, I needed to help my daughter and dog. After running down the hall I see my daughter kneeling over our dog, who was on her side breathing heavily. Syd's stomach was very swollen but her tail was wagging. "Ok Manda-Panda, stay calm. I'm going to call Damien and get his expert opinion. I have an idea of what's happening but I'm not a vet." She nodded and continued to pet Sydney.

I looked through my contacts and clicked on Damien's name. Technology will never cease to amaze me. "You know Y/N, I'd prefer if you wrote me a letter." "Yes I know and I'm sorry, but this is an emergency; I think Sydney's pregnant." A moment of silence, then: "I'm on my way, I'll be there in around 5 minutes if traffic isn't bad." I thanked him and hung up. With a long sigh I look around for my girls. Amanda was in the middle of giving Sydney her breakfast. "Give her extra, I want to check something. If what I think is happening she should eat it all." Amanda nodded and poured more into her bowl. Syd still wanted more food after she finished, but there was a knock at the door. Barking her head off, I walk to the door thinking it was Damien.

There was Joseph with a very worried look on his face. "I heard screaming, is everything alright?" I begin to reply but Sydney padded to the door and collapsed in front of Joseph. Kneeling to pet her, he said "Oh you poor thing, what's wrong?" Does he know he's talking to a dog?  "I'm pretty sure she's pregnant, not completely sure but Damien is  on his way- oh here he is." His car was pulling in and he was out as soon as the car stopped he jumped out. "Hello Damien, how are you?" Joseph looked confused, I guess he's never seen Damien without his Victorian style clothing. Ignoring him, he knelt down to Sydney. "Y/N has she been eating more than usual?" "Yeah, and she's been really tired lately and just collapsed this morning." "And has she been spayed?" "No". Joseph looked uncomfortable "Ok you all be safe have fun okay bye!" And with that he left.

"Congratulations Y/N, I hope you like puppies!" Amanda popped up behind me scaring both of us with a squeal. "Well that's great but who's the father?" Damien raised an eyebrow "You don't know?" Amanda and I shook our heads. "Well, the only possible dog I can think of, not including the possibility of a stray, is... Maxwell." I'm pretty sure I went three shades paler. Maxwell was Brian's dog, my enemy. He's very... frustrating, for lack of better words. Amanda noticed this and put an arm around my shoulder. I smiled at her and nodded. "Well, there isn't much else I can do, try to feed her more than her normal amount and call me if anything unusual happens." I thanked him and he left.

"Dad, we need to call Brian." I just have to grit my teeth and do it. Amanda had Daisy's number but I had never gotten Brian's. "... fine." I pouted. She whipped out her phone and handed it to me. "You can do this Dad! Try to use kind words." she reminded me. This is gonna be hard. Sydney walked over to me and set her head on my knee looking for attention, which I gladly gave her. I continued to pet Sydney as I waited for Daisy to pick up. "Hey Amanda! What's up?" her perky voice came through. "Hi Daisy, this is Amanda's dad! Do you think I could talk to your father for a minute?" "Sure Mr. L/N, just a sec." After a moment of silence and an exchange of words I couldn't hear "Hello? Y/N?" "Hey Brian... alright I wouldn't be calling if it weren't extremely important. Umm... fuck... Manda-Panda!" I called for my daughter. I can't, I just can't. Peaking from the kitchen she raised an eyebrow. Holding the phone away from my face I told her "I can't, just no. I'm gonna slip up so you do it." She sighed and took the phone away from me.

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