Really stupid A/N, don't read

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Hmmm? You're reading it anyways? Okay then. Story time!

So, about a year ago, the Author was visiting their father for the weekend. It happened to be Easter, so Author and their step family went to church. Author was put in charge of watching their little half sister. So while sitting in a child sized chair in Sunday school trying not to burst into flames, Author noticed their half sister was writing something. They asked to see it and their step sister showed her...

It was a drawing of her idea of heaven. There were lots of unicorns and cats. To the side she had written: "Heaven looks like this. Be good or you'll be taken by Satin"

Satin. She wrote Satin. There were other misspellings but Author was laughing their ass off at Satin. The Sunday school teacher had to escort the Author out of the class because they were a disturbance.

Do you know why I remembered this? I was at my friend's church and the lesson was all about Satan and how he'll try to lead you astray.

Did I mention I was forced to wear a dress? 

My father's house is a fucking nightmare. 

Okay that's it. Goodbye.

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