Maybe next time

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Here I am, up at three A.M. waiting for my husband. God, where is he? Amanda is tucked into bed already, and I'm starting to get worried.


I have a text message from my friend.

'Bitch you ain't gonna believe this!'


'So I'm over at Club Amorous right?'


'Ur husband is here with some blonde bitch'

No... it can't be. 

'Shit, she's gettin' frisky.'

'Boi he just bought her a drink!'

'You sure that it's Alex?'


'This weak ass bitch can't even take a shot of whiskey, smh. She on some rainbow tropics shit.'

'I had my suspensions, but I thought I was just being paranoid!'

'Nope, you were right.'

'Tell me about this woman.'

'Well she's a pretty one, or a really impressive cross dresser. If she is I'd still fuck her. A solid 8, blonde too so bonus points!'

'Calm your sex drive Becca, we were talking about my husband!'

'Right, sorry.'

'Aww, fuck. What am I gonna do?'

'What do you mean "what am I gonna do"? Get ur ass down here and get yourself a hot plate of revenge! Perhaps taking your frustrations out in the form of ... trashing his truck?'

'Idk... destruction of property? I'm not 20 anymore Becca.'

'It doesn't have to be property destruction! But that would be fun! C'mon, I'll help you!'

'Well... as long as it's fun!'

'Yes, come to the dark side!'

I put up my phone. I see Amanda walk into the living room.

"Dad, why are you crying?" I didn't even realize that I was.

"Oh, sweetheart! It's okay, just... your father is gonna be very sorry very soon." She rubbed her eyes.

"Where is daddy?"

"In the wrong place. Now go back to bed, everything is going to be fine."

"Promise?" Her poor little face, so worried.

"Of course." She smiles and skips back to her room. I put on my going out jacket and make sure I have a pocket knife. He's gonna regret this. My phone that I just grabbed buzzes again.

'Boi, I swear these two are gonna end up fucking. He's right up behind her trying to teach her to shoot a combo."

'He hasn't even noticed you?'

'I guess not.'

I get in my car, anger flowing through my veins. 

After a few minutes I get to the loud and flashy club. A man standing outside keeps me from getting in the front way, so I go around back. There is a person standing by the door with a husky next to them, I walk past them and into the club. Rebekah spots me and waves me over to the bar. She sitting next to a guy with his nose buried in a journal. The bartender, who has blue hair for some reason, asks me if I wanted anything. I declined and turn my full attention to the girl in front of me. 

Ah, Rebekah. She'll let you call her Becca once you're friends with her. We'd met in college, having four of our classes together.

"Hey buddy, it's been a hot minute!" She pushes her glasses up with the free hand she had.

"Yeah, where's this tramp?"

"Ooh! Y/N using grown-up words!" I could tell she wasn't fully here with me.

"Anyways, she's up there!" She points to a blonde singing a white trash version of Man! I feel like a woman. Uhg, she's so obviously drunk. 

"Okay, where is Alex?" 

"Went to the bathroom. Probably to get condoms." I start to tear up.

"No, hon don't cry! You deserve so much better than that scum bag! C'mon, you still wanna go wreck his truck?"

"I want some solid evidence first." Surely enough, just as I say that Alex walks out of the bathroom. As he walks to the stage I get a glimpse of his back pocket. Two condoms. Wow. Does he really think he could go a second round with miss lightweight over there? The song finishes and she hops off stage and into his arms. He smiles at her.

"That enough evidence for you?" I nod. She squeezes my shoulder and I notice that I'm crying. The bartender and the man next to Becca are looking at me. The man next to her looks me over, then goes back to scribbling in his notebook.

"You know what, I don't wanna go to jail tonight. I think I'll just give him a piece of my mind."

"Go boy, let him know he can't fuck around like that!" I walk across the crowded dance floor.

"HEY!" He snaps his head over to me, his eyes wide with fear.

"Y-Y/N! When did you get here?" He lets down the blonde in his arms.


"Wait, you're gay? And taken? Man, what a douche..."

"Katie, wait! I-" Katie walks off and disappears into the crowd, which had turned to see what the yelling was about.


"How did you even know I was here?"

"While you busy fooling around with prissy pants over there, Becca was texting me." He looks around for her, as does the crowd. They found her standing on her stool flipping Alex off.

"Becca, how could you do this to me?"

"That's Rebekah to you, asshole!" I grab him by the shoulders and he looks back at me.

"Do all of those years mean nothing to you? Are you really willing to throw all of it away for one night with a woman you barely know?"


"And what about Amanda? Our daughter Alex! What about her?"

"Y/N, please! I know I messed up, please let me make it up to y-"

"OH REALLY? I BET YOU WEREN'T THINKING ABOUT MAKING IT UP TO ME FIVE MINUTES AGO!" The music has quieted down and everyone is staring. Alex looked mortified. 

"Y/N, people are staring!"

"Good!" I turn to the crowd, "I'm glad they're staring! Now everyone knows what a dick you are!" He covers his mouth and hangs his head.

"I hope your little playtime was worth it." I glare at him, the man I used to know and love, then turn and walk out of the club.

Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.

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