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I'm gonna do preferences too!

How they meet you;


So you know how people say "oh, we bumped into each other!" if you ask how they met. Well you literally bumped into each other. You and Amanda were walking down the street and you walk into someone. And you fell. Yes, Y/N L/N, the picture of absolute grace and balance, fell over. Flat onto your ass may I add. After the initial shock, you looked up to apologize to whoever it was, only to find a very handsome blonde man offering to help you up. He was already apologizing and you took his hand.  After standing and brushing off the dust, you also apologized and he laughed. His three children stood behind him, they were a bit unsettling. But he brought your attention back to him when he introduced himself. "Hey, I'm Joseph, and again sorry for knocking you over!" "Oh, hi! I'm Y/N! And it's completely my fault, I should have been watching where I was going!" You didn't realize until he let go that you had still been holding hands. After a nervous laugh he said his goodbyes and left. Later that day after you got home there was a knock at the door and Amanda pushed you to be social. When you opened the door Joseph was standing there with a plate of cookies. And the rest is history.


Being a nurse means you meet a lot of different people. But they don't always like you, especially when you're holding needles. And it's not like you love giving shots, it's actually your least favorite part. This was true now, with a small redhead girl trembling in fear. It hurt a lot to know that people were afraid of you, and you felt extremely guilty. The girls father was also there holding her hand tightly. "C'mon Daisy, you can do this. Be my brave girl." She nodded but looked like she was going to burst into tears any second. You put the needle aside and grabbed her other arm gently. You took an alcohol wipe and rubbed a small spot on her upper arm. "Alright, I'm gonna suggest that you look away now, ok?" She nodded and looked at her father. He gently squeezed her hand, and glanced over to you. You took the needle and held her arm still, then put the needle into her skin gently, and then pushed down on the syringe. Mentally you counted to three then took the needle out slowly. You picked a bandage from the drawer next to you, peeled the paper back off, and covered the place where the needle had been in her skin. "Alright, you're all done!" She looked over to you with a puzzled expression, "But- wait what?" "What's wrong?" She laughs, "I didn't even feel that!" You smile when I see her father's surprised expression. "Well, that's good! I wasn't trying to hurt you!" The doctor comes in and you leave after throwing the syringe into the biohazard bin.  You sit at your desk in the hallway to document the appointment results and mark that she got a flu shot. A few minutes later Daisy and her father walk out of the room. "Does she need a note for school?" It was 12:30 in the afternoon on a Tuesday, you assume she does but you're required to ask. "Yes please." It took a bit to print, then you sign your name at the bottom to verify it. "I feel like I've seen you before, do you live in the cul-de-sac?" You hand him the slip and get a good look at his face. You had seen him before. "Yes, I do. My daughter and I just moved in a few weeks ago." He nods. "Well, I'm Brian! It's nice to officially meet you!" "I'm Y/N, and yeah, nice to meet you."

(Daisy is me wtf)

Hugo (PS I'm switching to first person)

I'm the science teacher at Maple Bay high school/middle school, originally only hired for high school chemistry, but due to budget cuts I'm also teaching all other science classes, middle and high. You know what that means? Sex ed! Great, a bunch of 18 year olds laughing at how awkward I am. That was next Monday, now I'm teaching my last period; 8th chemistry. Adding onto the stress of the upcoming Monday and the fact that I'm so tired I could fall asleep standing up was Ernest Vega. The little bastard was on his phone again, and so I had to both confiscate it and give him a lunch detention. At least he wasn't smoking. "Ok, now that that's over I've got a project for you guys." Everyone groans but I ignore it. "Everyone is going to be assigned an element and I want you to make a model of the atom. Now, in an orderly fashion, walk up to my desk and grab the rubric, I'll tell which element you get when you get one." In a non-orderly fashion everyone runs up to get the sheet of paper. After grabbing a rubric and being assigned their element they all return to their seats. "Ok, now I'm sure you noticed that- ERNEST VEGA ARE YOU SMOKING?" I hate using my teacher voice but he's smoking! "... yes." "Principal's office, now!" He gets up and leaves, I watch him to make sure he doesn't just leave. Once he's safely in side the principal's office I open both the windows near the back of the class to air out the heavy smell of cigarettes out, then walk back to my desk.  I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Ok everyone, pack up. There are instructions on the paper." The bell rings and kids rush out. Finally, the end of the day. Sighing rather loudly, I begin to pack up to leave. "YOU DID WHAT?" A man's voice cuts through the silence. I hear heavy foot steps, then my door is opened. "Ernest, apologize to Mr. L/N!" Hang on, I've seen this man around the school before. He's the school's English teacher. "... sorry Mr. L/N." Then he runs off. I just stand there awkwardly, and he sighs. "I'm really sorry about him, he's..." I hold up my hand, then walk to my desk. I grabbed Ernest's phone then handed to him. "Before he started smoking he was caught on this." He takes it and puts it into what seems to be his computer bag. After doing so, he holds out a hand, "I'm Hugo Vega, the school's English teacher. Sorry I haven't spoken to you before." I take his hand and give it a firm shake "Y/ N L/N, charmed."  We stand awkwardly for a second, then I let go of his hand. "Before you go, is there anything going on? Ernest is a very bright student, but... just doesn't behave." He thinks for a moment. "Not that I can think of, he's been like this for a while. Not really sure if he's just being a teenager or if he just hates me." "I doubt that he hates you, you seem pretty nice." He laughs quietly. "Well, sorry to cut this short but I have to prepare for an awkward sex ed class I'll be teaching this Monday." He shudders. "I do not envy you." I chuckle and walk away.

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