Flowers are usually nice gifts... (pt. 2)

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Amanda x Female!Teen!Reader

Hanaki Disease - (a fictional disease) an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.

Made a part 2 because I don't wanna trigger you guys too much. This one deals with the subject of death, so if it triggers you please don't read on.

Your pov

"Sweetheart, please! Get the surgery, your mother can't take another heartbreak!"

"I said no Da-" I'm coughing before I can finish the sentence. He shakes his head. How my mother and him stayed together I'll never figure out. He cheated on her but she still loves him! He walks out of the room. I look at my surroundings, my bedsheets is covered in flowers. It's been getting worse, I've coughed up whole flowers. 

"Hey kid." That's a strange voice to be hearing.

"Robert? What the hell are you doing h-" I cough again.

"Everyone else was working and someone had to drop this off." He hands me a slightly beat up package.

"Open it." The box used to be taped up but it looks like Robert already opened it with his knife. I open the box and there's a folded paper, a carving of a dog, a Jimmy Buffett CD, a teddy bear, some coffee beans, a rose, my report card, and a stuffed animal that seems to be a capybara. 

"This is so nice..."

"Everyone in the neighborhood contributed something, and the card..." Has everyone's signature on it. Even River and Crish, although their parents probably wrote them. A bunch of photos fell out of the card.

"I know Hugo's seems kind of lame but he also helped Amanda take all those photos." The photos were great. One had Ernest starting a dumpster fire, another was of a food fight in the cafeteria. The last photo was of Amanda and I. On the back it had a note. 

'Dear Y/N, I know it's my fault, Lucian and Ernest told me. I feel horrible. So I organised this care package, with Mr. Vega's help, to send to you. I hope you know that I'm going to miss you. If there was a way to convince you to get the surgery I would use it, but what you said was really sweet. We love you Y/N.

- Amanda'

I lost it. I don't like crying, I never have. But goddamnit Amanda's just too sweet. I must look like a mess, crying and coughing my lungs out.

"Hey kid, don't die yet! I wanted to introduce someone to you first. Do you remember a name on that card you've never seen before?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That's my daughter and I thought you two would get along. And I think you should know everyone in our weird family. Since she was here anyways I asked her about it and she's outside now." As if waiting for that cue she walks in.

"Hey. I'm Val."

"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." Robert gets up, pats her on the shoulder, then leaves. She takes his chair and takes a notebook and pen out of her purse.

"So you're here to document my last moments?" I guess she also has a dark sense of humor because she laughs.

"If it's okay with you. The company I work for asked me to write an article on the Hanaki Disease so I figured a interview with a patient would be a step further." I cough and a few petals covered in blood come out. She puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, an interview is fine. I can't die of embarrassment when I'm already dead. What is it you want to know?" She taps the pen to her chin.

"Let's start with the exact definition of the disease. What are you symptoms?"

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