The Rainbow Connection

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Y/N smiled at the small child in his arms, who looked so much like his husband. Amanda was having a hard time falling asleep, but Y/N's singing voice always put her to sleep. Her teary eyes looked up into his loving ones, already calming her down. 

"Why are there so many songs about rainbows, and what's on the other side? 

Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, and rainbows have nothing to hide."Amanda cuddled closer to her dad, suddenly feeling very sleepy. He smiled wider, and continued his song.

"So we've been told, and some choose to believe it. I know they're wrong, wait and see.

Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me." Her eyes were closed, drifting off into the land of dreams. He sighed and set the small child in the crib, backing out slowly as not to wake her. 

Y/N snuck back to the bedroom and crawled into bed with his husband. Alex smiled and wrapped his arms around Y/N.

"You should speak and sing more often, your voice is lovely." Y/N blushed, he was a very quiet person. He just shrugged and kissed Alex's cheek, before laying his head back on his pillow. They soon were also dreaming

Seven years passed quickly, yet also seemed to take forever. Alex had been killed in a car accident, and Y/N had practically stopped speaking. He and Amanda started learning sign language. She felt the loss very hard, but kept up a brave face for her dad. 

One night, she had a terrible nightmare about the accident. She watched her father die over and over, screaming for help. She cried and wailed in sadness and frustration, she couldn't do anything. She just stood there watching, like her body couldn't move.

She woke up to her dad holding her tightly and whispering comforting words. He didn't try to pry, knowing that she would tell him when she was ready. He could see she didn't want to talk about it.

"Who said that every wish," he sang, "would be heard and answered when wished on the morning star? Somebody thought of it, and someone believed it. Look what it's done so far." She felt herself slowly falling asleep, half remembering that this was a song she used to fall asleep to.

"What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing? And what do we think we might see?" Y/N paused for a moment, briefly looking out the window and into the night sky. Amanda looked as well, it was calming.

"Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me." She finished her dad's song and hugged him closer to her.

Y/N was still mostly silent, the only person he spoke to being his daughter. A few months later he decided to give her her father's camera, already seeing her interest in photography. She cherished the worn Polaroid camera, and her love for photography grew. 

Despite the pressures of being a single parent, Y/N was determined to give Amanda the best childhood. No, not giving her everything she wanted. He made sure she would be prepared for the "adult world", while making sure she didn't lose herself along the way.

Amanda was worried about going off to college. Her dad would be alone, and she'd be very far away if she needed him for something. But when they moved, she noticed how easily her dad made friends with everyone. This made her feel better about leaving. 

But her social life was quickly dying. Her supposed friends left her at the drop of a hat. This understandably upset her, and it showed. Her dad was there to comfort her, never judging or pushing her. He just did his best to understand. 

"All of us under its spell. We know that it's probably magic." He sang softly, while letting her cry into his shoulder. 

Once she was feeling better, she also started making new friends. Most of the neighborhood kids were very nice. 

She noticed her father getting closer to one of their neighbors, and quietly started to ship them. One evening, she woke up to him singing, staring out the window dreamily and smiling like a love struck fool.

"Have you been half asleep, and have you heard voices? I've heard them calling my name. Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors? The voice might be one and the same."

"I've heard it to many times to ignore it. It's something that I'm supposed to be." He jumped, surprised that Amanda had awakened and heard him.

"Go get 'em pops." She winked and he smiled again. Y/N was starting to feel happy again. 

After a while, it was nearly time for Amanda to leave for college. Y/N decided to throw a graduation party. It was wonderful seeing everyone there, but saddening as she said goodbye to them. She met up with her dad, who was sitting on the porch. They talked for a while, she gave him a goodbye present. It brought tears to Y/N's eyes, but he didn't cry. She pointed him to to the tree, where a certain other dad was waiting for him. As she left to go get ice cream, she turned back to see them.

"Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me." She sang, a tear of happiness rolling down her cheek, and turned away.


it's 3:34 and I can't sleep cause nostalgia hit me like a bag of bricks, so here 

Don't let the fandom die my friends, it's too good a game for that to happen. 

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