Edwardian vs Victorian

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Damien x Reader

If you couldn't tell, you dear reader have the same passion for the Edwardian era as Damien does for the Victorian era! Good luck. No gender specific pronouns.

Damien's p.o.v.

As my frustrating conversation with the cashier ends and I'm about to walk out I hear a voice talking to them "Listen, this is fourth time this has happened!" 

"Dude, I can't help you."

"If you cannot correctly make a blouse then at least tell me I can get a refund."

"I don't know what to tell you man, this is the second complaint I've gotten today about 'Victorian Fashion' or whatever it is you're talking about." The person sighs and pinches the bridge of their nose.

"Edwardian fashion!" Wait... Edwardian? Am I hearing things correctly? Yes, and they're wearing trademark Edwardian fashion as well! I catch a peak at the blouse in their hand, that's the one I ordered! I walk back into the shop and tap them on the shoulder. They turn around with a slightly irritated expression. 


"Ah, I couldn't help but overhear of the situation." Their face flushes 

"Ah, I... must apologize! I didn't mean to disturb anyone, truly sorry sir!" How nice to meet a fellow gentleman.

"It's quite alright, but I was wondering if this was yours." I hold out the Edwardian styled blouse and their eyes light up.

"Oh, that's it. Then is this..." they hold up the one I ordered.

"Yes." We trade shirts and the cashier rolls her eyes so hard I'm afraid she pop something.

"Ugh, looks like there was a glitch in the computer system and the packages got switched. Our sincerest apologies blah blah blah whatever. Can you two go now? There's a line." I look behind me and there's a dad and his kid as well as a few other probably stoned teenagers in line. We rush out of the store to avoid further embarrassment.

"Well that was... interesting."

"Yes, quite embarrassing but interesting." We stay in an awkward silence for a bit.

"I'm Y/N," He bows to me, "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr..." 

"Bloodmarch, Damien Bloodmarch." I bow back.

"Well Mr. Bloodmarch, I suppose I'll be seeing you around town. Good day sir." And with that they leave.

"Hey Dad." My son startles me by walking up behind me. He has what looks to be a plate of nachos in his hand.

"Oh, there you are! I was about to-"

"Yeah yeah, but who was that? Did you make a friend!?"

"An acquaintance, I barely know them." 

"Well I made a friend." He points over to a girl around his age, maybe older. She looks nice enough, and is chatting with someone who looks like her guardian... oh!

"Ah, that's Y/N!"

"Huh, well... that's cool I guess... can we go home now?"

"May we go home now." 

"Daaaad... please I get enough of that from Mr. Vega!" 

"Yes, we may go home Lucien." 

~Tem skip (I play to much Undertale)~

"Oh my gosh, dad... isn't that your 'acquaintance'." We're back at the cul-de-sac now and my son's remark prompts me to look around for Y/N. And there they are! They're dressed differently, a faded F/C tee shirt and jeans, as well as carrying a heavy box into their house. Lucien's new friend comes out of the house and pats them on the back. They continue inside and Lucien's friend looks around. She must have spotted him because she waves to us. She starts walking over to us and my son smiles. 


"What's wrong dad?" I don't respond and his friend finally makes it over to us. 

"Hey Lucien! Who's this?"

"Hey Amanda this is my Dad." Haha, now is my chance to embarrass him! I do a low bow.

"Good evening Mrs. Amanda, how do you do?" Lucien face palms and Amanda giggles.

"I'm fine Mr. Lucien's Dad, how are you?"

"I'm just fine ma'am. You two have a wonderful afternoon!"

"Wait Dad wha-" I walk into my house and close the door. I walk up to the library and look out of the full length windows into my backyard. After a few minutes I walk to the other side of the house to check on my son, who is happily chatting with Amanda. Then Y/N comes out of there house to grab another box. They look over to their daughter with an eyebrow raised. They then shake their head and continue their task. I suppose it will be nice to have a fellow gentleman who can understand my love for the Victorian era. Perhaps they have a Dadbook account? Hmm, maybe they'll be at Joseph's barbecue, and I'll have the chance to speak with them again.

I got kinda lazy, but this idea was too adorable for me not to write. Anyways, if you would like a part two let me know! See ya real soon!

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