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Joseph x Male!Reader

-Rabbit-Morty-, I'm working on the story you requested but was inspired by The Hunchback of Notre Dame. You understand right? Anyways, I know that the video is the female cover but I like it better than the original. Video is not mine! Also, I guess the reader is also a gypsy? Idk it's just a lyric that I don't know how to change. Also, boys can be witches right?

Joseph's point of view

I hear the choir singing as I walk through the church halls. My head hearts enough with out their loud voices echoing about.

"Confiteor Deo Omnipotenti (I confess to God almighty)

Beatae Mariae semper Virgini (To blessed Mary ever Virgin)

Beato Michaeli archangelo (To the blessed archangel Michael)

Sanctis apostolis omnibus sanctis (To the holy apostles, to all the saints)" A noble song but not one I wish to hear right now. I finally reach the chapel, which has many beautiful stain glass windows depicting Saints and scenes from the Bible. I stop near the front of the room, the window is a depiction of the virgin Mary. I fall to my knees and clasp my hands together. Looking up at her face, a calm and maternal look in her eyes, I pray. I pray for answers to my situation. I love him, but I am a married man!

"Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man.
Of my virtue I am justly proud."

"Et tibit Pater (And to you, Father)" The choir continues to sing, though I almost believed the saints were responding.

"Beata Maria, you know I'm so much purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd."

"Quia peccavi nimis (That I have sinned)"

"Then tell me, Maria, why I see him dancing there! Why his smold'ring eyes still scorch my soul!" Why? I should not have feelings of affection towards anyone else but Mary!

"Cogitatione (In thought)"

"I feel him, I see him! The sun caught in his H/C (hair color) hair is blazing in me out of all control!

"Verbo et opere (In word and deed)"

"Like fire, Hellfire! This fire in my skin. This burning desire is turning me to sin." I didn't realize it was raining until I heard a crack of thunder and lightning illuminated the room. My eyes snap open and look up to the window. What I see makes me stand up and step back in fear. Mary's eyes that were once full of love now seemed to hold hate and disapproval. And though it is only a window it makes me feel guilty for my unclean thoughts.

"It's not my fault!" I shout and seemingly no one.

"Mea culpa (Through my fault)"

"I'm not to blame!"

"Mea culpa (Through my fault)"

"It is the gypsy boy, the witch who sent this flame!" Her stare seems to get more intense and I begin to sweat.

"Mea maxima culpa (Through my most grievous fault)"

"It's not my fault..."

"Mea culpa (Through my fault)"

"If in God's plan..."

Mea culpa (Through my fault)

"He made the devil so much stronger than a man!" I knew the Devil would try to tempt me and lead me astray, but I didn't know it would be so easy for him.

"Mea maxima culpa (Through my most grievous fault)"

"Protect me, Maria! Don't let this siren cast his spell! Don't let his fire sear my flesh and bone! Destroy Y/N, and let him taste the fires of hell!" I don't understand this affection I have for him. I want it to end, but I haven't felt this way about someone in years!

"Or else let him be mine and mine alone!" I hope God will give me a sign, what is the right thing to do here?

"Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)"

"God have mercy on him."

"Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)"

"God have mercy on me!"

"Kyrie Eleison (Lord have mercy)" The choir seems to have finished practice. I reach up to my face and feel that my cheeks are wet. Huh, I didn't realize I was crying. I look up to the window. Her face had returned to normal.

"Joseph!" I turn around to face the person calling.

"Amanda? What are you doing here?"

"No time to explain! We have to get to the hospital now!" My eyes widen and I rush toward her. She runs to the entrance and I follow not far behind.

Ohh, cliffhanger! I'll be making two more parts to this one, so if you liked it you have something to look forward to. See ya soon.

Edit: fml the video wasn't there. Sorry about that.

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