Chapter 6

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In the evening, Yoona didn't want to take Sehun's car back home. So using the opportunity when Sehun was in the washroom, she went into his room. Before Sehun came out, she immediately left the office.

Sehun came out from the washroom, ready to go back home but not seeing Yoona in her seat. Probably went somewhere, I should wait for her.

He went into his room and sat on his seat, about to shut down his computer when he saw a note.

I headed back home first, in a hurry. Ps : I swear I wasn't escaping from anything. I was too hungry. Bye Sehun!

Sehun let out a laugh. Choose a better excuse next time. But he smiled anyway. He kept the note in his bag nicely and headed back home.


It's already 10pm. Yoona was craving. I really want to have supper.

After a few sighs and hesitates, she finally decided to go out hunting for supper, not even caring to change from her plain white t-shirt and shorts to something else. It's just a while anyway.

Due to it was already late, there were barely a few people still outdoor. Yoona was looking for the direction to the night market.

While walking on the not-so-familiar and very quiet streets, she felt uneasy. It was too quiet and lonely.

She heard footsteps behind her. She took out her phone acting as if she was checking the time, and she saw 3 men following behind her. Starting to panic, she walked faster to who knows where. Unfortunately, they managed to catch up with Yoona's pace and surrounded her.

"Hey sexy lady, let's have fun tonight." They grabbed her.

Before they managed to pin her against the wall, Yoona fled. Running faster and faster, she started to run out of breathe.

Out of no where, someone grabbed Yoona's arm and dragged her into a very narrow valley. The person back hugged her tightly and covered her mouth for her not to scream. Yoona struggled and struggled. She was afraid, she was scared.

She was about to step on his feet when suddenly, "Shhh, it's me. Stay quiet, they're coming." He whispered into her ear.

Upon hearing the familiar voice, she calmed down. It's Sehun.

They stayed quiet and froze on their position. After seeing the 3 guys passed by them, they let out a sigh.

"What are you doing here?" Yoona asked, he was still backhugging her.

"I'm here to save you."

Yoona blushed hard.

"I-I was nearby here. Yes, nearby h-here. A s-shop just around t-there." He stuttered and pointed everywhere. Yoona didn't know why was he acting weird but she just chuckled at his flustering look.

She suddenly blushed harder when she realized their current position, he was still backhugging her.

"So what are you doing here?" Sehun asked Yoona, while tugging the strands of her messy hair.

"I was craving for supper." She puffed her cheeks then pouted and Sehun swore she looked adorable.

He gently turned Yoona around for her to face him. They stared into each other's eye for minutes.

"Next time tell me where do you want to go, I can bring you there. Otherwise just call me, I will buy it to your house. Feel free to find me."He said carressing her cheeks. Yoona just stared at him.

"Why are you so good to me?"

"I just feel like doing it."


Sehun suddenly hugged her. "Thank God you're safe and fine."

Yoona slowly hugged him back.

After they released the hug, "Now let's go look for your supper." Sehun said pinching Yoona's nose.

He grabbed her hand and led the way to the night market.

"Omo!" Yoona shrieked. There's so much food.

"What do you want?" Sehun asked smiling.

Yoona told him and Sehun ordered it for her. They decided to take away the food. When she was about to pay for it, Sehun paid before her.

"Here." Yoona handed the money for him.

"Nope." He shrugged and just grabbed Yoona's hand.

Although it was late at night, the night market was still crowded.

To prevent her from being squeezed, Sehun wrapped his arm around Yoona's petite body to protect her.

"Don't worry, we're about to reach." He said when he noticed Yoona's uncomfortable expression.

Yoona just nodded cutely and followed him.

Finally they reached their destination. After Yoona ordered her food and Sehun paid for it. They headed back to Yoona's house.


She invited Sehun to her house and they had supper together.

"Why were you craving for supper all of the sudden?" Sehun asked. He knows Yoona isn't the type of person that would eat supper.

"I didn't had a proper dinner, so I was hungry." Yoona said while eating her food.

"What did you ate for dinner?"

"Eggs, bread, and a cup of hot chocolate."

"That's it? For a monsterous appetite like you, that's it for dinner?" Sehun widened his eyes. "Besides, Yoona, that's absolutely unhealthy."

"I am on diet."

"Diet your ass, you're skinny as a skeleton. There's no fats for you to lose. Even if you are losing weight, having dinner earlier doesn't affect your plan."


"No buts. From now onwards, I will bring you to breakfast and to office every morning. After work, I will bring you back home. Bring you to my house for dinner after you are done refreshing yourself and I will bring you back home after." Sehun paused. "And this is final, no more retorts."

Yoona thought for a while and she could only agree.

They chatted for a while, it was a nice moment.

"Bye Sehun. Thanks for today." She smiled.

"Glad that you are safe. There will be no next time because I will be with you." He hugged her and patted her head. "Bye and goodnight. Remember to lock the door. Sweet dreams." He planted a kiss on her forehead and got into his car.

Yoona smiled widely as she went back into her house. After she locked the door, she went to the window and saw Sehun drove off safely.

It was a long night, but thank goodness I have him with me. She grinned to herself and went to bed.

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