Chapter 14

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"Yoongie, wake up."

"What time is it?" Yoona rubbed her eyes.

"It's 7am in the morning. Wake up and get ready. I'm bringing you out."

"Where to?" She laid on the bed and looked at Sehun lazily while puffing her cheeks.

Sehun can't help but to pinch her cheeks because of her adorable look.

"Secret." He stuck his tongue out playfully. "Get ready, ppali. Or I'll leave without you."

With the help of Sehun's nagging, she finally got up. After half an hour, they left for their destination.

Yoona took a nap in the car because Sehun told her it would take some time to get there. As she was sleeping, Sehun gently covered her eyes with a blindfold.

"Ahhh Sehunnie!" Yoona panicked. She was scared when she woke up in a blindfold.

"Yoongie, I'm here. Don't worry." He held her hand. "Don't take it off, we're almost there."

"Okay..." She answered unsure.


After the car stopped, Sehun thanked the driver and helped Yoona get out of the car. Giggles, laughing, and screaming were heard.

"I'll take your blindfold out but close your eyes first."

Yoona obediently closed her eyes and Sehun took off the blindfold.

"You can look now."

She was amazed with the scene in front of her.

"Ohmygod Sehunnie! How did you know I've always wanted to come to Disneyland?!" She was about to cry.

"On the plane heading here, I saw you looking at the pictures on the TV screen, you were staring at it so deeply in thoughts, so I thought that maybe you would wish to come here."

"Thank you Sehunnie!" She hugged him tightly. Sehun smiled and hugged her back.

"Now let's go buy tickets." He carressed her cheeks.

They were holding hands on the line. Many people were staring at them.

"Such a good looking couple!"

"Ohmygod he's so handsome!"

"Who is she? She looks like a goddess!"

"They're so cute!"

Everyone who passed by would take glances on the couple. Sehun wrapped his arm around her waist protectively and glanced around them. Yoona looked at Sehun confused.


"To make sure everyone knows you're mine and stop staring at you."

"Awww are you jealous?" She giggled.

"Of course I am. I have a perfect girlfriend which only I could stare at." He rubbed his nose on hers.

Yoona could feel her cheeks burning up. Sehun pinched her nose and smiled at her adoringly.

"Two tickets please."

The worker handed them tickets. "Enjoy your day, beautiful love birds."

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